Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


October 30 is the deadline to apply for aid for the modernization and enterprise development (21/10/2013)

The City Council and the ERDF supported to € 50,000 SMEs to boost investments to revitalize the economic fabric of the area, through the attraction of new business initiatives that complement the existing current offer, create jobs and reduce the number of local commercial closed.

The Councillor for Employment and Local Development Council of Lorca, Lali Ibarra has reported that October 30 is the deadline for the city council open for entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs applying for grant Urban Community Initiative program for the creation and modernization of small and medium enterprises in the area of ​​operation of this plan financed by ERDF, which includes the neighborhoods of San Lazaro Ramblilla, Calvary, St. John, St. Mary, St. Peter and most of the neighborhood of San Cristobal.

Ibarra said "this is a new initiative to contribute to the revitalization of local business in Uptown implanted and San Cristobal. To do this, the City has established a call on a competitive basis for grants to fund lost economic regeneration and encouraging entrepreneurship in small and medium enterprises in these urban areas, for a total of up to € 50,000. "

This project is co-financed by 20% by the City and 80% by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in particular within the framework of the Urban Initiative under Priority 5 Local Sustainable Development and Urban ERDF Operational Programme for Murcia.

Local Development The mayor stressed that "the project of the Urban Initiative for the Barrios Altos de Lorca develops the city of Lorca is comprehensive, being configured into eight thematic areas, the third of which is aimed at developing economic fabric of the area. The main objective of this municipal initiative is to open a line of grants for promotion and development of entrepreneurship, and the modernization and support to business and created and located in these areas or to be implanted in them. It also aims to encourage the creation, modernization and consolidation through economic aid to support investment, given the need to revitalize the economic fabric of the area of ​​operation, through the attraction of new business initiatives complement the existing current supply and reduce the number of closed shops and increasing the competitiveness of companies already established in the area defined in the urban initiative ".

Ibarra Lopez explained eligible for aid SMEs whose business is or will be located in the area of ​​operation and frame your project in one of these cases:

1 - Creation of enterprises: Provided by entrepreneurship investment projects which are designed to commissioning and startup of a new business in the area of ​​action URBAN, promoted either by a new company or by a company existing.

2 - Modernization: Provided by business modernization investment projects in the same whose activities already developed in the area come for action URBAN, involving renovation or refurbishment of its facilities and equipment, improvements in its products, processes, services, organization etc..

Note that for investment projects may be subject to this aid must be in the URBAN zone, its activity continuously eligible in fiscal year, submit a minimum investment project entrepreneurship 10,000 euros (3,000 in If modernization) and have favorable report, among other issues.

Who can benefit from this municipal initiative?

Aid may be granted different concepts of investment and expenditure necessary for the creation and / or modernization of facilities.

We are talking about rehabilitation and upgrading of the premises, machinery and equipment, furniture and computer equipment, including beneficiaries eligible for repayable assistance of up to 70% of approved eligible investment with a maximum of 10,000 €.

To determine the amount of aid will be considered the score given to the project under evaluation criteria established for this purpose, which include the following assumptions:

a) score between 75 and 100 points: 70% of eligible investment project.

b) score between 50 and 74 points: 60% of eligible investment project.

c) Score between 25 and 49 points: 50% of eligible investment project.

d) Applications with a score under 25: 30% of the investment project.

The evaluation of proposals will be conducted by an Evaluation Committee established as such, and is chaired by the Mayor of Lorca, acting as responsible members Councilwoman Urban Initiative for Barrios Altos, the Councillor for Economy and Finance, the Director of the Urban Initiative for Barrios Altos, two technicians Urban Initiative for Barrios Altos, the Director of the Budget Office, and representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lorca, Ceclor, AJE Guadalentin UGT and CCOO.

Those interested in participating can do so providing in the General Register of the City Council and the relevant documentation as standard model form available on the web www.iniciativaurbanalorca.com, but those interested can get more information on the Department of Employment and Local Development, located in Local Development Centre of the Alameda de Cervantes.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca

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