The City Council will cede the municipal facilities so that this group continues with the important work that it develops, taking charge, in addition, of the expenses of light and water, and contributes to the financing of Aslep with an additional contribution of 4,000 euros.
The Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, announced this morning that the City Council will renew for at least 10 years the agreement that allows the Parkinson's Disease Association (ASLEP) to have the local municipal office where they carry out their activities, and that is located in Guadalentín river street, between Alfonso X and La Viña neighborhoods.
This is a municipal ownership facilities that were launched thanks to an investment of 90,000 euros by the Regional Government, and that, subsequently, were also subject to action and improvement to alleviate the damage suffered as a result of the strong earthquakes of the year 2011. The Consistory, in addition, faces in its entirety the payment of water and electricity services, in addition to contributing 4,000 euros annually to contribute to the financing of the activities of the entity.
The First Edil has stressed that the commitment of this Municipal Administration with Aslep is unbreakable, so we are going to renew the agreement that years ago we signed for this group to have facilities properly conditioned, so that they can offer with guarantees and quality the different services and workshops that are carried out to contribute to the welfare of its users.
This place has a distribution that includes 2 offices (1 for the social worker and another for the psychologist), as well as a room for the provision of therapies, bathrooms and a gym.
The latter is perfectly equipped for the practice of therapeutic gymnastics.
The Mayor has highlighted the work being carried out by the group that brings together the Parkinson Lorca association, underlining that it is a very necessary work, that this entity is providing since its inception in 2002. This location solves a historical demand.
It should be remembered that the association began its activities in a room assigned by the Consistory.
Subsequently they moved to the social center of Paso a Nivel, a place that did not meet the minimum accessibility conditions and was not conditioned for the purpose in question.
We wanted to solve this issue, and we responded as soon as possible.
The Association of Parkinson's Patients, ASLEP, was constituted in May 2002 by a group of patients, relatives and people sensitized with this disease in order to provide support and help to all those people directly and indirectly affected by Parkinson's.
The main objective of this Association is to improve the quality of life of Parkinson's patients through the offer of therapies and services with which it provides its users with an integral treatment for Parkinson's disease.
Currently attends an average of 25 users in the morning and afternoon.
Among the therapies that are currently developed by Aslep should be noted:
SOCIAL ATTENTION: It is the service that coordinates and derives the other ASLEP services.
It is responsible for conducting the first interview to host the family.
Among its activities are the following: Inform, guide and advise our Parkinson's patients and families, Communicate the services and therapies of the Association, Inform about financial aid, Activities of recognition of disability, Assessment and Monitoring of Patients, Search resources for meet the needs of our families, among others ...
PHYSIOTHERAPY: It is focused on the treatment of motor symptoms characteristic of Parkinson's Disease, whose objectives are among others: improving mobility, coordination, balance, walking, reeducation of posture, etc ... of our patients.
And so get your independence and autonomy as long as possible.
Physiotherapy treatment areas: Individual Physiotherapy, Group Physiotherapy, Home Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy (Pool).
PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTENTION: Psychological assistance is of vital importance for Parkinson's patients, family members and / or caregivers to accept the disease and learn about it, thus improving the quality of life of Parkinson's patients and their environment.
The therapy is carried out individually and in a group with the so-called "mutual aid groups" aimed at both the sick and family members and / or caregivers.
COGNITIVE STIMULATION: Parkinson's disease can affect cognitive functions such as: attention, perception, memory or language.
Being able to appear cognitive disorders of there the importance of the realization of workshops of cognitive stimulation.
Whose goal is not other than through some tips, strategies and tools can prevent cognitive difficulties or maintain and manage the cognitive deficit that could be.
LOGOPEDIA: During the evolution of Parkinson's disease there may be a reduction in the movements of the muscles responsible for controlling phonation (voice), articulation (pronunciation) and prosody (rhythm, intonation, ...), among others.
In speech therapy intervention, what is intended is to deal directly with the symptoms of language alterations and do everything possible to make the speech more ellegible.
There is a whole series of language problems that if not treated will negatively influence the quality of life, communication, social adaptation and even the personality of the affected individuals.
In fact, these problems must be detected and treated as soon as possible, since this will improve the prognosis.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: The association is plated from this service as a priority objective to help patients in advanced stages to maintain a level of independence and autonomy for as long as possible and thus improve their quality of life.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca