Pedro Sosa councilor of Izquierda Unida Verdes in the city of Lorca has criticized this morning the appointment of Lorca Joaquín Ruiz Montalván as Managing Director of ESAMUR (Entity for Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment of the Region of Murcia), a field in which He has no previous training or experience.
At the beginning of the year, Sosa IU already showed the dissatisfaction of her group with the appointment of Ruiz Montalván as the new Citizen Participation Advisor, replacing the former councilor Ana María Lidón.
Sosa regretted at that time that the Department of Citizen Participation did not stop landing "paratroopers and caparras", in a position that should have been covered by public tender and not by free appointment, while nothing was done for the implementation of the Neighborhood and District Boards.
That is, "he has spent four months charging without doing anything".
For Sosa, it is paradoxical that the "Manchester United generation" of regional President Lopéz Miras, his friend Ruiz Montalván and his predecessors, do not cease their efforts to boast the privatization of public companies, but at the same time use them as job placement agencies. "friends".
Remember that the aforementioned Ruiz Montalván was already dismissed from his position as Director of management of Area III of Health, as he was also hunted and lacked the status of statuary personnel to perform that position and made his attempts to be appointed also by finger as Manager of the University Campus of Lorca.
"It is already good of the incursions in the public and of the abuses of those that are not good for anything", the mayor has affirmed.
For all this, Sosa is not surprised that "right is made foxes" and that Garre's new party is raising so many expectations among the disenchanted voters of the traditional right.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca