Gloria Martín asks the PP improvements in accessibility and pedestrian mobility by removing architectural barriers, the conditioning of a lot as a public parking lot, the planting of trees of large size and solutions to the flooded parcels for lack of scuppers, as citizens demand
The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes, Gloria Martin, today asked the local government team of the PP to solve different problems that afflict the neighbors of the Marín road.
Among them, he highlighted the invasion of a sidewalk by the fence of a plot that belongs to a construction company that does not carry out any activity in said land.
This forces pedestrians, and especially people who move in wheelchairs, to walk on the road.
It is also a route used by a large number of children given its proximity to the IES Ros Giner and the public school Ana Caicedo, so that those affected claim a solution for almost three years.
On October 2, 2017, Martín wrote to the Councilor for Town Planning, Saturnina Martínez, who responded six months later-on April 11-assuring that the City Council had initiated the Order of Execution so that the property could proceed. the necessary actions ".
However, a month later, everything continues as it was.
For this reason, Martín asks that if the legal deadlines are met without carrying out the setback of the fence, the consistory will execute it subsidiarily and collect the works from the responsible company.
On the other hand, neighbors complain about the numerous architectural barriers faced by people suffering from mobility limitations, either those who live in the area or those who come to the police station and nearby health centers.
Therefore, they demand that the regeneration works being carried out on the Camino Marín, consider the improvement of the accessibility of the sidewalks.
Those affected also ask for solutions for the 30,898 m² site located next to the Camino Marín, which neighbors claim has become a "dust factory, a dirt center and a botellódromo".
The land is part of a Partial Plan (Sector 9) approved in 2009 by the City Council and on which a Reparceling Project was carried out in 2011.
At that time the PP announced that the sector would be articulated around a major green area of ​​6,148 m², and that the consistory would have 4,588 m² for equipment where it would be located, for example, the Young Space, "which never became known" .
In addition, 223 parking spaces would be created.
However, seven years later, no action has been taken.
Martín claims that the Consistory temporarily conditioned this space to avoid dust in suspension, and oblige the owners to fence their plots and keep them in sanitary conditions, as established by current regulations.
Other complaints from neighbors have to do with the lack of maintenance of the park near their homes or with the floods that occur in some of their plots for the lack of scuppers or the installation of these above ground level.
In addition, they ask for the plantation of large trees in the area.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca