The objective of the City Council is to adjust the IBI to the average value of the house price in the market.
This decrease would be the second in the last 3 years and would allow cushioning the effects of the catastrozo.
The Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, has reported that the City is going to request the General Directorate of Cadastre a new lowering of the values ​​of the Real Property Tax (IBI) that places it within the average value of housing in the market.
It is a measure that would be effective for next year and that represents a saving of 621,000 euros for Lorca.
We must remember that this reduction of the IBI will be the second in just 3 years and adds to the bonus of 50% achieved by the City Council for those affected by the 2011 earthquakes.
The Mayor has anticipated that this year has also been achieved by the Municipal Executive that the draft General State Budgets submitted by the Government of Spain includes the maintenance of the 50% IBI bonus for this year, as well as a new agreement with the Government of Spain that will allow us to continue making investments in our municipal area.
We are talking about an agreement that entails the arrival of 3 million euros to execute new actions for improvement and modernization, which is added to the 3 million that have been earmarked for works in districts, completed just a few months ago.
Fulgencio Gil has ratified his appeal in this sense so that the parliamentary groups of the different political formations contribute to unblock the approval of the budgets so that the uncertainty generated in the Lorca affected by the earthquakes is eliminated.
We consider, in any case, that the exercise of responsibility will prevail and Lorca will keep this bonus.
In fact we have planned to send the battery of receipts of the aforementioned tax including the 50% discount, something that we did last year.
The First Edil has said that it is time to agree and overcome stigmas of the past.
No one will understand, no matter how hard they try to explain it, that budgets do not go ahead due to blackmail, confrontations and partisan strategies.
The Spaniards, and especially the Lorca, we would see as a tremendous irresponsibility, even more so when the circumstance occurs that just need 5 votes.
The Mayor has anticipated that although the situation of the municipal coffers is still complicated, the efforts of optimization of spending and austerity that have been applied in the City Council over the past few years, are achieving a gradual improvement that allows us advance in the reduction of fiscal pressure.
In fact, Lorca is the city with the lowest fiscal pressure in our Region, and this without taking into account the 50% bonus of the IBI.
We must continue to deepen these tax reductions, which allow a generalized savings for all citizens.
Our goal is that the money is in the pockets of Lorca, who are the best know how to use it and contribute to economic stimulation, employment generation and improvement of social activity in general.
This measure would directly benefit almost 44,000 Lorca, constituting the eighth consecutive year in which a bonus is achieved in this regard.
We are talking about leaving in the pocket of Lorca 7,263,678.66 euros, which Lorca would receive from the Government of Spain as compensation, as is already happening in recent years.
This request is supported by reports and notifications from the Local Tax Agency, as well as from the Cadastre and Municipal Intervention service.
The efforts made by the City Council have achieved that the victims of the earthquakes of 2011 have saved up to the moment almost 72 million euros, enjoying 3 years of total exemption from the payment of the tax and another 4 (including the current one) in which you only have to pay half of it.
The request made by the Local Executive urges that a new bonus of 50 percent of the Real Estate Tax payments corresponding to the year 2018 be granted, with the same requirements established for the exemption regulated in this Tax in article 12 of the Royal Decree Law 6/2011, of May 13, which adopted urgent measures to repair the damage caused by seismic movements occurred on May 11, 2011 in our city.
As planned, the bonus would apply to the resulting fee to apply.
The decrease in income established in this provision in the Lorca City Council will be compensated by the General State Budgets, in accordance with the provisions of article 9 of the revised text of the Local Treasury Regulatory Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2004, of March 5.
In the case of the bonus on the Tax on the Increase in the Value of Urban Land, a 50% bonus is claimed that would be applied to the resulting installment, if applicable, for the rest of the bonuses legally provided for.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca