Fulgencio Gil has anticipated that, after resolving the City Council in the shortest possible time (within the Law) the appeals lodged by the companies concurring to the awarding, the objective is to enable the connections of the families to the networks of supplies so that they can go furnishing and returning to their homes.
The Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, together with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Development of the CARM, Yolanda Muñoz, has supervised this morning the works of urban regeneration that are being executed in the neighborhood of San Fernando by the City Council thanks to the financing provided entirely by the Regional Government.
We are talking about a project that entails an investment of 2.6 million euros that will transform a total area of ​​almost 25,000 square meters.
Fulgencio Gil explained that the hiring process has been delayed by the filing of appeals by the concurrent companies, something that we have resolved as quickly as possible, within the Law, by the City Council.
Our priority, as we have expressed to the company awarded the works that are already underway, is to enable the connection of the supply services so that families can go furnishing and returning to their homes.
We will be especially vigilant so that the works are developed quickly and efficiently.
For this Mayor's Office, the reconstruction of the San Fernando neighborhood is that of the Lorca complex after the earthquakes and it is an emotional and social milestone.
Until the families of San Fernando do not return to their homes, reconstruction will not have been completed for us.
Precisely the neighbors of this neighborhood are giving an example of responsibility and effort that deserves the recognition of all Lorca.
The First Edil pointed out that the reconstruction of this neighborhood, both of its homes and its urbanization works, constitutes the greatest challenge that has had to be faced from the urban point of view within the process of recovery of the city after the earthquakes of the year 2011. This integral action covers the redevelopment of the entire space.
To this end, the road network and its infrastructures, which have been damaged as a result of the demolitions, will be renewed.
The roads will be paved and sidewalks will be built.
Fulgencio Gil has stated that, as is the norm in the different regenerations and urban renovations undertaken, a very important part of the investment is destined to the renovation and incorporation of water distribution networks, electric power, gas, sanitation networks, telephony and rainwater evacuation, all with the aim that the new neighborhood emerged after earthquakes have the best services and that they have full vocation for the future.
Efficient new street lighting will also be installed and the neighborhood will be provided with parks and gardens that allow for the recreation of neighbors.
The Mayor stressed that the renewal of this neighborhood is a new example of political commitment to the recovery of Lorca after the earthquakes of May 11, 2011. But San Fernando is not a neighborhood, but its reconstruction, by the special vicissitudes from the neighborhood, it has become the most complicated case we have had to address in the process of recovery of Lorca after the earthquakes.
We have been overcoming obstacles to rebuild this neighborhood using legal channels or creating them when necessary.
This neighborhood of San Fernando that is growing from nothing to everything, will not be the same as before.
It will be a friendly neighborhood, of future, of opportunities, in short, a new neighborhood better for its neighbors and for the whole municipality of Lorca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca