The head of the regional executive, Fernando López Miras, met today at the Palacio de San Esteban with the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Lorca, Juan Francisco Gómez, and members of its board of directors, to analyze the projects and activities carried out by the entity in the work of promotion, revitalization and support to the business sector in the region of Lorca.
Among other issues, explained the Minister of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment, Javier Celdrán, during this meeting analyzed the different activities that the Chamber of Commerce of Lorca carried out in collaboration with the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF).
In this sense, the counselor explained that the Community, through the SEF, will strengthen this collaboration with the body cameral so that "can participate more actively in defining the courses that are best suited to interests businesses in the region of Lorca, which will make it possible to be much more effective in offering courses for both active and unemployed workers ".
Also, during the meeting, they discussed the organization of the Regional Handicraft Fair of the Region of Murcia (Feramur) to be held next September in the new fairgrounds and congresses of Santa Quiteria, something that "is going to suppose a revulsive and a greater presence of national and international companies, "added Celdrán.
Source: CARM