This is the program "Ágora", run by 4 monitors, which will allow their students to have certificates of professionalism for plumbing, heating, assembly and electrotechnical installations and auxiliary operations in nurseries, among others.
The Councilor for Employment and Local Development in the City of Lorca, Sandra Martinez, reported that the Municipal Council starts today a new training aimed at benefiting unemployed Lorca.
This is the mixed employment and training program called "Ágora".
We are talking about a project that will involve a total of 32 students, unemployed Lorca over 25 years, and that will be directed by 4 monitors.
Martínez Navarro explained that the project consists of theoretical and practical training during which student-workers will formalize a contract in training, for which they will charge monthly the minimum interprofessional salary (€ 825.65), with a duration of one year.
The certificates of professionalism taught are:
"Plumbing and heating-domestic air conditioning operations".
"Auxiliary operations of assembly and electrotechnical and telecommunication installations in buildings".
"Auxiliary activities in nurseries, gardens and gardening centers".
"Auxiliary operations of rigid finishes and urbanization".
The Edil de Empleo has stated that both the training phase and the alternance training, with the subsequent interventions to be made by the student-workers of the Joint Employment-Training Program "AGORA", will involve a series of works and works in accordance with the development of the training plan of the following Certificates of Professionalism.
These will aim, on the one hand, to develop the skills related to the specialty that is foreseen in the project and, on the other, to serve as a globalizing axis of the different knowledge that is intended to be acquired by student-workers.
Regarding the works or services to be carried out, and whose execution will be enjoyed by all Lorca, are:
- Elimination of existing wiring in the Barrios Altos de Lorca.
- Adaptation of the Plaza de las Barandillas.
- Adecuación Alley of the Cambrones.
- Conservation and maintenance of plumbing systems, heating-air conditioning in municipal buildings.
- Conditioning, regeneration and conservation of the Peñica park, Parque Casa Mata and Alamedas.
- Maintenance and conservation of green areas in parks and gardens in the city of Lorca.
The Councilor for Local Development has stressed that the total amount of this action in favor of employment and training for unemployed Lorca amounts to € 575,953.28, of which € 500,953.28 come from a grant from the CARM through the SEF, and the municipal contribution is 75,000 euros.
This project is of similar characteristics as the one that has been developed in the Alamedas Lorca for the last 5 months and that has involved an intervention on more than 5,500 m2 of surface to give the best aspect to the green lung of the center of Lorca.
Specifically, it has acted in the Alameda de la Constitución, Ramón y Cajal and Corregidor Lapuente. In the same way it has acted in recent months in different enclaves of the municipality with Calvario and Los Peñones Park.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca