It demands the immediate suspension of this indoctrination campaign, demanding the general secretary of the PSOE, Diego José Mateos, explanations about them
The Popular Party of Lorca has denounced the celebration of a talk aimed at underage students by the PSOE of Lorca through its youth platform, Youth Socialists.
From the PP have demanded explanations about the talk that has been promoted through the publication in social networks of leaders of Socialist Youth, who even provide pictures of them in a Lorca educational center, specifying that they went on behalf of the aforementioned organization politics.
From the PP we do not want to think that with the excuse of offering "talks about solidary sports", as stated in the publication, it is being used to indoctrinate in public schools.
If you want to train on solidary sports can do the excellent workers of the Department of Sports of Lorca, sports groups volunteers or local NGOs that develop a great social work in our town, but not the young PSOE politicians during school hours .
The PSOE lorquino must offer explanations and clarify everything that concerns this scandal.
What kind of talks do you make?
Who gives them permission to intervene in public centers?
How many talks have you made?
Has this been the first or is it a continuous cycle that has been revealed by the comment on social networks?
Do they propose to the schools talks about "solidary sport" hiding them from the fact that it is really an initiative of the Socialist Youth?
Who imparts them, why, what is the content?
Is the secretary general of the PSOE Lorca, Diego José Mateos, aware of this and has he given his approval to this indoctrination or are they being imparted without his knowledge?
Source: PP Lorca