The merchants of San Diego, La Viña, Alfonso X or San José also suffered the consequences of the works, and for them there was never any kind of aid, despite the fact that they were claimed by all the hoteliers, businessmen, merchants and parties as the PSOE.
They expect the PP to learn the lesson and, if it really is to help the businesses affected by the works, apply the same recipes to the rest of the commercial areas.
The second deputy spokesman of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Isidro Abellán has demanded the current Mayor to extend to the rest of commercial areas of Lorca the initiatives as planned to boost consumption, taking advantage of the inauguration of Avenida Juan Carlos I.
From the Municipal Socialist Group see "positive" that the City of Lorca, along with merchants, hoteliers and entrepreneurs, want to take advantage of the inauguration of the works of Juan Carlos I to develop activities in order to boost trade during this day.
For this reason, from the PSOE, and aware of the critical situation that the shops go through "not only of the Avenue, but of the historic center of the city, and the rest of the commercial areas of the urban area", they consider that "it is time that the City of Lorca, if it really is for the commercial revival of the whole of Lorca, go further, extend these initiatives to other areas and commercial areas of the city and apply a real and ambitious plan to reactivate traditional trade in Lorca ", as they have been demanding for years since the PSOE.
Abellán reminds the current Mayor, Gil Jódar, that other neighborhoods also saw their streets remodeled, and unfortunately, for their businesses, for these self-employed from other parts of the city who also "work from sunrise to sunset, with so many difficulties", he applied any type of initiative or any type of stimulus that would help them to alleviate their losses for the works, and recover the rhythm of their sales after the works.
"For them there was no help, and the proof was in the amount of businesses that had to close their blinds to never return".
San Diego, La Viña, Alfonso X, San Jose ... for these neighborhoods, which also suffered the consequences of the works, there was never any type of aid, and it would not be because all the hoteliers, businessmen, merchants and parties like the PSOE we do not demand it.
However, Abellán says that "it is not a time for criticism, but for the PP to learn the lesson and not to treat commercial and other areas differently".
Soon, the works in Cervantes or the Armed Forces will end, so they expect them to apply "the same recipes".
For all this, from the PSOE insist on the need to extend these stimulus measures to other business areas, both affected by the works as not;
the start-up of a plan for commercial reactivation and, as we also requested a few months ago, the constitution of the municipal council of commerce.
These requests that we make from the work and the commitment of the PSOE Lorca to get Lorca to recover that commercial splendor, which decades ago encumbró the city as head of the region and regional reference of traditional trade.
Splendor that has been lost by years of punishment, not only by the crisis and the earthquake, but by a City Council of Lorca that has not believed in the importance of Lorca trade.
Source: PSOE Lorca