It is an automatism implemented in mobile crown columns that has a braking system, which will save costs and time by intervening in lighting columns such as Ronda Sur, San Fernando, Puente Vallecas and La Hoya road.
Councilman Works in the City of Lorca, Angel Mecca, reported that the Municipal Council has been equipped with a new automation that will save time and optimize human and financial resources each time you proceed to the replacement of lighting bulbs that they have been installed in different parts of the city within the ambitious urban renewal projects that are being carried out in recent years in numerous enclaves of the city.
Ángel Meca explained that for municipal service technicians it was a particularly complex job to have to change bulbs and screens on the masts of considerable height that can be found, for example, in the new rounds for the regulation of road traffic that have been implemented in Ronda Sur, San Fernando neighborhood, Puente Vallecas and Carretera de La Hoya (N-340).
This is a task that must be carried out periodically, not only for the replacement of said elements, but also for the periodic review of all the mechanisms that comprise it.
Councilman Works has indicated that thanks to the donation by the Murcian company Jovir, delivered by its manager, María Rosario Vicente, the City now has a special automation that avoids having to do this work at height, so that it is the crown of lighting that tops these high masts that descends to the firm by installing a special engine.
It is a resource valued at approximately 3,000 euros, and it will also allow these works to be carried out in better conditions both in the existing masts, such as the Huerto de la Rueda, as well as those that are located from now on.
Ángel Meca pointed out that this assistance mechanism is made available to the municipal electricity service for use in trunco-conical pole luminaires, which offer maximum resistance and guarantees, and that have a diaphanous central trunk that enables the installation of the precise technical equipment. so that this utility can develop its function.
We are talking about a mobile crown column with braking system, a last generation resource that we needed in view of the new investments that are being made in our city.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca