Cayo Lara, former federal coordinator of the United Left, together with the local councilors of the formation, Pedro Sosa and Gloria Martín, announced this morning the talk on the defense of the public pension system that Cayo Lara himself will make this Friday the 18th, at 8:30 p.m. at the IES Ramón Arcas de Lorca.
According to Lara, the importance of the public pension system is vital, because in our country there are 10 million pensioners, plus another 5 million people who live with them and therefore depend on their pension, that is, one in three Spaniards depends of the maintenance of the pension system.
The public pension system has been struggling for a long time without attack from banking, private pension funds and insurance companies, in order to weaken it so that people end up hiring private pension funds, and thus substantially increase their income. .
The continued cuts in this system are being carried out to weaken it and make the Spanish people believe that it is unfeasible, adding other arguments such as the gradual aging of the population, the low birth rate or the low number of contributors.
According to Lara, this attack does not only affect current pensioners, but those who will be more affected will be those who retire in the future, so it is essential that the mobilizations that occur throughout the Spanish territory in defense of pensions, all possible people of all ages join.
For Cayo Lara, compared to the doomsayers who predict the end of the public pension system, it must be said that as long as the country's wealth (GDP) continues to rise, even slightly, there will be money to maintain the pension system in the coming decades. , especially revalorizing the lowest, because while in Spain 10.6% of GDP is dedicated to the payment of pensions, in neighboring countries such as France, 14.5% is spent, therefore there is room for maneuver if He has the political will to do it.
Therefore, "stop letting us be afraid of the sustainability of the system", said Lara.
In addition, according to a recent study by the University of Navarra, 80% of people who have hired a private fund, have lost purchasing power at the time of retirement.
Of these and other issues, such as the reforms made by Zapatero and Rajoy, of the government's modifications in recent weeks, of the importance of the mobilizations being carried out by trade unions and social organizations in defense of the public pension system, is what which is going to be discussed tonight in his talk.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca