Mateos insists that "it is cheaper to maintain than repair" and assures that the unfortunate state that most municipal sports facilities in Lorca present "harms the image of our city, our neighborhoods and districts" and "obeys the years of neglect and neglect on the part of a Popular Party incapable of listening to the complaints and complaints of neighbors and users ".
The Spokesman of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Diego José Mateos will claim in the next Plenary Session that, after consulting on the current needs of the sports club, users and neighbors, develop and implement an Integral Maintenance Plan continued in the time of all the sports facilities in the municipality of Lorca, with sufficient budget for all sports facilities.
In addition, it will once again demand the inclusion of the complete remodeling of the La Torrecilla sports center, charged to the EIB, as originally planned.
With this proposal, Mateos aims to respond to the demands of neighborhood associations, sports clubs and users, both in the city and in the districts, "which has transferred complaints about the deterioration and poor state of the municipal sports facilities ".
For Mateos, the use of these facilities, in addition to the practice of sports, promotes the improvement of health and the active use of free time.
For that, he assures "it is fundamental, for me it is, to maintain and improve our public facilities".
Diego José Mateos awaits the support of the municipal Plenary and, above all, the "real commitment" of the Mayor and his government team.
"If it really is for the promotion of sports, for improving the image that is being given abroad, for helping clubs and for facilitating Lorca's access to sports facilities in the municipality in equality, what they have to do is not to continue letting die the wide network of sports facilities with which we have in the municipality ".
With his motion, the PSOE will ask for improvements in the sports pavilions of Purias and Zarzadilla de Totana;
the repair and maintenance of the wide network of sports courts distributed in districts, and that are in a "deplorable" state, as in Morata, Coy, La Paca, Ramonete or La Escucha.
They also demand improvements directed towards the cleaning, maintenance and conditioning of the soccer fields of Francisco Artés Carrasco, Mundial 82 and Los Tollos, where, he insists, the bad state endangers "daily" players who use these facilities .
The current state of sports facilities at the Carrasco Sports Complex "is not worthy" of a city with national-level soccer teams, like the 82nd World Championship. "The apathy and abandonment of Artés Carrasco's facilities has gone to extremes that most of the toilets present a state of unfortunate insalubrity ".
In addition, it is a shame that "the illumination of the parking area is only supplied by the bouncing of the interior of the field", this, together with the dirt that accumulates on the outside "have given a very bad image during this season in the one that the professional football teams from Lorca have competed in professional soccer categories ".
Similarly, Mateos will again demand the Lorca City Council to demand in turn the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia the provision, again, of the 5 million euros from the EIB for the reconstruction of Lorca "necessary for the immediate execution of the Project of modernization and integral improvement of the Sports Complex of La Torrecilla ".
Source: PSOE Lorca