Gloria Martín announced that there is still "a willingness to dialogue" between the parties to the conflict, and asked the mayor of the PP, Fulgencio Gil, "courage and wisdom" to reactivate the working table and even incorporate "an independent specialized mediator" help the parties to reach agreements
The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes, Gloria Martin, has demanded the Local Government team of the PP in Lorca the fulfillment of the agreement of Plenary on the reactivation of the table for the conciliation of the garden, which remains without activity for 16 months.
For Martin, the responsibility of the City Council is to promote agreements to make compatible the residential and livestock land uses in the municipality, for which the Mayor "must take the initiative" and "give priority" to this issue in his political agenda.
The mayor of IU-Greens recalled that in January 2017 his political training got, "without any support from the PP", sit on the same table representatives of the platform 'Stop cebaderos together to the houses' and the Association of Businessmen of Livestock (ACEGA).
"We made it possible to take the first step at that time but, unfortunately, there was no receptivity by the PP, which maintained a boycott attitude to that meeting," explained Martin.
In this regard, he announced that there is still "a willingness to dialogue" between the parties to the conflict for what he asked the mayor of the PP, Fulgencio Gil, "courage and wisdom" to reactivate the working table and even incorporate "a specialized independent mediator "to help the parties to reach agreements.
Izquierda Unida-Verdes proposes to put the date "already" to the convocation of the table in order to offer solutions to neighbors and ranchers of Tercia, Campillo, La Hoya or Pozo Higuera-La Campana, and to address a model of spatial planning " agreed upon ".
"Our interest said Martin is that in Lorca it is possible to reconcile the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to health and an adequate environment with legal security for the livestock sector."
Martín has said that she is convinced that neighbors and herdsmen are capable of reaching understandings and of building, jointly and participatively, a model of a city where peaceful and harmonized coexistence is possible.
But this goes through the involvement of the municipal government "can not continue looking the other way" and breach the agreements adopted by the highest political representation body of Lorca.
"If they do not have problems to have Ceclor or Chamber of Commerce and make them part of the burial or start-up table of IFELOR, for example, we do not understand why they are unable to give participation to ordinary people who have everything. the right to participate in matters that concern them, "said Martín.
Therefore, Martin asked Gil to descend "to the real world" and remember that beyond maintaining good relations with local business representatives, "it is also due to ordinary citizens" who contribute their taxes to the maintenance of the municipality.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca