Sosa: "We do not understand the reservation of vote of the councilor of Citizens, Antonio Meca, we hope that he puts the general interests before his own individual interests"
The Municipal School of Music is, without doubt, one of the most popular cultural services offered by the City of Lorca to its citizens.
It is also an almost centennial institution in our city, which started in 1927. The music taught in it is carried out by a highly qualified teacher, who in its entirety has higher qualifications that enable it to the development of quality education.
The municipal spokesman of IU-Greens, Pedro Sosa, says that among the objectives of this School, published on the website of the Department of Culture, in addition to the one that initially is at its origin: instruct new musicians who can be part of the future of the Municipal Band of Music of Lorca, we find others of importance: To foment from the childhood the knowledge and appreciation by the music;
offer an instrumental teaching, oriented to both individual and group practice;
provide a musical education complementary to the instrumental practice;
encourage students to take an interest in participation in vocal and instrumental groups;
organize public performances and participate in musical activities;
develop a wide and diversified range of music education without age limit and guide and prepare in those cases that the special talent and vocation of the student advise, their access to a professional education.
Therefore, and as the growing cultural demand for the artistic expressions offered through the Municipal School of Music in our city is evidence that is confirmed by the continued increase in the number of its students over the years, it is for What IU-V presents this Monday a motion to address as soon as possible two aspects of this School that we believe are important and that would result in a better offer to the public, and, and for us, this matter is essential, in the labor dignity of its teachers.
These two issues are the central objective of the motion that IU-Greens will defend in the Plenary.
After the past Municipal Administration Commission, both the PSOE and the PP government team decided to join the text of the motion and its agreements, which will be a joint motion that has already guaranteed 24 of the 25 votes of the Plenary .
Sosa thanks these two groups for their support and affirms that they do not understand the reservation of vote of the Councilor for Citizens, Antonio Meca.
"We hope that it puts the general interest before its own individual interests" in the plenary session on Monday.
In the resolutions of the motion, the revision of the administrative contract for services that the City Council has signed for the operation of the Municipal School of Music is proposed, in order to:
Expand the specialties and courses of the Municipal School to: Flamenco Guitar, Modern Guitar, Violoncello and Music Therapy.
Reduce the age at which students can enroll, and that goes from the current four years to three, also extending as much as possible the hours of the teaching staff to teach courses and specialties.
Expand teaching hours in courses and specialties.
Ensure strict compliance with all the set of social and remuneration rights that are included in the collective agreement of Teaching and Training not regulated
Source: IU-verdes Lorca