The average monthly base salary of the workers of Lorca Taller del Tiempo is € 822 per month, while the base salary of the pawns collected waste Limusa, the lowest paid by the company, is 1,022.99 euros per month.
Antonio Meca affirms that he will not consent "to the enormous inequality between some workers and others, for which we hold responsible the government team presided by Mr. Fulgencio Gil and the Manager of the company that maintains these wages of misery for its workers without moving a single finger to correct that situation, while she receives more than € 57,000 a year from a public company to which she acceded to finger for political favors ".
Just as the Government team was previously required to dismiss the Manager of Limusa, considering it unnecessary and convenient to replace him with the figure of the Chief Executive Officer of the company, a proposal that was accepted and recognized by the Government team, "we will propose the dismissal of the Manager of Lorca Taller del Tiempo and its replacement by the figure of the CEO of the company "adds the Councilman.
This proposal will mean an annual saving of more than € 80,000, an amount sufficient to equalize the salary of the workforce of the public company.
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca