The Councilor for Public Safety of the City of Lorca, Belén Pérez Martínez, visited this morning Caravan Mapfre Road Education installed today and until Friday 8th in the Huerto de la Rueda and will be visited by almost 1,000 students from Lorca.
The Edil has been accompanied by the territorial representative of Mapfre in the Region of Murcia, Antonio José Vera.
Perez has indicated that "within the tour throughout the national territory that Caravan Mapfre is doing, it stops again in Lorca with the aim of promoting responsible and civic behaviors and attitudes of schoolchildren in relation to traffic and accident prevention , providing the appropriate knowledge and practicing in almost real situations This activity is part of the annual Road Safety program developed by the Administrative Security Unit of the Local Police of Lorca, having trained 406 Secondary and 1028 Elementary students during this year. .
The Councilor has indicated that "until Friday there will be 950 students participating in this initiative." The students receive first a brief theoretical session on basic concepts of circulation from different points of view (pedestrian, driver and traveler). In addition, they receive training on the prevention of fires and other accidents, such as domestic ones, at leisure or at school.After the theoretical sessions, the students carry out practices with electric go-karts in a traffic circuit made to measure. They present real situations in which students learn to function in urban and interurban environments, respecting the rules of safety and road coexistence.
During these 5 days, the students will visit the Caravan in San Francisco, Ciudad del Sol, José Robles, Sacred Heart, Children's House, Juan González, San José, Narciso Yepes, La Hoya, Purias, La Escucha and La Campana, San José, Virgen de las Huertas, San Cristóbal, San Fernando, Andrés García Soler, Pérez de Hita, Torrecilla and San Cristóbal, as well as the students of Apandis and Cruz Roja, in the morning and afternoon.
The Edil wanted to "give our thanks to Mapfre for returning to Lorca with his Caravan, which was already in the City of the Sun in 2010. It is an optimal channel of learning, which pleases students and allows them to assimilate in a This initiative completes and enriches the annual program developed by the Local Police every year and is an essential training mechanism for the students of the municipality in a fundamental area for day to day life, such as Road safety".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca