The promise to remodel the Sports City of La Torrecilla vanishes, before the inability of the Mayor and its councilors to demand the Autonomous Community the 5 million euros that, charged to the EIB, were budgeted for that purpose and disappeared
The Spokesman of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Diego José Mateos again demanded, during the last plenary session, the remodeling of the sports city of La Torrecilla.
It is a "necessary" and "very demanded" project by the users of these facilities, especially since it was damaged by the 2011 earthquakes.
However, the idea of ​​undertaking this remodeling "vanishes" in the face of the inability of the current Mayor and his government team to claim the 5 million euros from the Autonomous Community that, in their day, were budgeted for this purpose, charged to the EIB loan.
This was demonstrated during the last ordinary plenary session, when the thirteen councilors of the Popular Party, with the current mayor in the lead, voted against a PSOE motion in which it was requested to demand the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia at the disposal again of the 5 million euros from the EIB for the reconstruction of Lorca for the immediate execution of the Project of modernization and integral improvement of the Sports Complex of La Torrecilla.
Far is that announcement that the government team of the Popular Party made in 2015, and with which, in addition, were presented to the previous municipal elections.
Mateos that practically all of the sports spaces that compose it "are not in optimal conditions for the practice of sports".
Tennis courts with potholes, the almost impassable condition of the velodrome, toilets and changing rooms that do not meet the minimum conditions, hinder the practice of sports and remove the possibility that these facilities can host sports competitions of a regional or national nature, as it happened in the past.
In addition, he assures that the pools also need integral improvements, as well as the football field of the World 82, needing an arrangement of their dressing rooms or the installation of shaded areas in the stands.
In short, insists Mateos, the sports city of La Torrecilla needs a "deep remodeling" and "no more patches."
"Years ago, he stressed that these facilities have become obsolete."
The passage of time, added to the effects of the earthquakes of May 2011, has continued to deteriorate these facilities, so it needs a comprehensive remodeling that encompasses each of the sports venues it presents. "
Source: PSOE Lorca