Expresses its wish that the new Government of Spain maintain committed investments in Lorca, such as the arrival of the AVE, and refers to other commitments acquired with the Region
The president of the Community, Fernando Lopez Miras, said today, during his visit to the IES Francisco Giner de Lorca, that the works of urbanization and adaptation of the common sports areas with the IES José Ibáñez Martín "will benefit more than 2,000 students and show what Lorca we mark after the earthquakes of 2011 and is that Lorca was much better. "
"Today we have a new example of that," said the president in relation to these works in which 1,020,884 euros have been invested, in addition to the more than 4.5 million for the new Ros Giner Institute and the sports pavilion , rebuilt after the earthquakes of 2011.
This last action carried out has involved the construction of two locker rooms, each with a capacity for 30 people and a floor area of ​​almost 200 square meters, prepared for use by each of the two institutes autonomously.
To this is added the paving of the four sports courts and their corresponding stands, the bowling track and the agora, as well as the cross track and the one destined for the 50 meter speed tests.
In addition, an area for car parks, motorcycles and bicycles has been built within the premises, reserved for teachers, as well as another parking area for two-wheelers for students.
These works are added to the new sports pavilion that was completed in 2016, common to the two institutes, and which had an investment of 900,000 euros, which was added to the 3.8 million invested in the construction of the new Ros Giner institute, which He began his classes in 2015. At the end of 2017, the center was equipped with the necessary equipment for the proper use of the auditorium with 280 chairs and the installation of digital boards and monitors.
"We are providing students and teachers with the necessary tools to develop their work and improve educational quality," said the president, who referred to the Educational Infrastructure Plan 2018-2019, presented a few days ago, which includes more than 20 million to undertake 116 actions in infrastructures of almost all the municipalities of the Region.
"Vigilantes" for the Government of Spain to comply with the Region
López Miras remarked that these actions carried out in Lorca and the Educational Infrastructure Plan "are proof of the commitment of the regional government to education, one of the pillars of the future of the Region."
On the other hand, and questions from journalists about the new Government of Spain, said that "we will be vigilant and demanding to comply with the commitments that the previous government of Mariano Rajoy had acquired with Lorca and the Region."
In his opinion, "the commitment of the previous Government of Spain with the Region and with Lorca was a reality that has been evident in many issues."
Thus, he referred to the arrival of High Speed ​​to Lorca, its connection with Almeria and the burial of the AVE in this city.
He also referred to the commitment that already had with the Region to tender shortly "almost 900 million euros, among other things for the North Arc, the Northwest Arc and for the third lane of the A-7".
He also alluded to the National Water Pact, "which was practically finished" and the regional financing model.
Source: CARM