It is a tool developed by the Autonomous Community, through the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, which was presented this morning in the palace of Huerto Ruano.
The Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, together with the Minister of Tourism and Culture of CARM, Miriam Guardiola, and the Director General of the Institute of Tourism of the Region of Murcia, Manuel Fernández-Delgado, presented this morning a new App for mobile that constitutes a tool of enormous value to promote the tourist product of our city.
We must emphasize that Lorca is a city that bets on new information technologies.
The First Edil has indicated that in the recovery process launched since 2011, the conversion into a Smart City has been an absolute priority.
Also at the tourist level, where we have been betting on the development of marketing and dissemination channels through the resources that the information society put at our disposal.
All these marketing channels are now integrated into a single platform that allows their use in an easy, accessible and immediate way, as required by potential visitors, through the simplicity of an app.
Fulgencio Gil explained that we know that tourism today is not the same as twenty, thirty or forty years ago.
The visitor relies less on tourist guides and more on digital platforms, either in the planning of their trip, or with their feet on the ground through their smartphones.
If the visitor can count on an app that guides their steps for the chosen destination, the tourist experience will be much more satisfactory.
But if this app is like the ones that the Autonomous Community is going to promote through this initiative, we can assure that the benefit for the visitor will be enormous, but also for the municipality that welcomes it, because it will improve the commercialization of its tourist product, At the same time, it benefits the local economy through the commercial and hospitality offer.
The Mayor has affirmed that the app that we present today, Turismo Lorca, is an example of how we can put the new technologies at the service of the tourist benefit, uniting the possibilities of a municipality with the needs of the visitor.
Through the app, which is part of the process launched by the Autonomous Community within the tourism strategy, we can, among other issues:
Consult the agenda of activities of the municipality, including concerts, performances or exhibitions.
Make reservations for visits, museums and all local tourism products that have been added to the portal of the Tourism Institute.
Know what monuments or services are near us, their schedules and benefits.
Interesting links, weather, chat with the tourist office and even promotions in museums, commercial establishments, bars and restaurants in Lorca.
Routes of interest both tourist and sports.
This tool allows to make Lorca a showcase for technological tourism, which is not the future, but the present.
We are talking about a resource that consolidates the position of Lorca in its role of tourist destination as an outpost for this type of valuable policies that allow us to stand out as a tourist focus but also as a reference Smart City.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca