This is the first document that analyzes the most interesting specimens located in urban and / or urbanizable land, since those existing in forest land correspond to the CARM.
The Councilors for the Environment and Parks and Gardens in the City of Lorca, María Saturnina Martínez and Ángel Meca, have informed that the City Council has concluded the Catalog of Monumental and Singular Trees, the first document of this nature that has been drawn up in the municipality in its history.
It is a work that includes a total of 107 copies analyzed.
We must emphasize that our municipality has an arboreal heritage that it is necessary to protect and conserve, in a rational, effective and effective way.
For this, from the City Council has been considered that one of the most important actions that had to be carried out for this purpose is to know the number and state of trees that the Law 14/2016, of November 7, Monumental Arboreal Heritage of the Region of Murcia defined with monumental and unique.
We must specify that monumental arboreal heritage is considered to be the set of trees whose botanical characteristics of monumentality or extraordinary circumstances of age, size or other historical, cultural, landscape, scientific, recreational or environmental events linked to them and their legacy, make them worthy of protection and conservation.
They are considered as unique trees those trees or arboreal sets that without reaching the category of monumental tree according to the law, they stand out for their remarkable characteristics of age, size or other types of historical, cultural, scientific, landscape, recreational or environmental events , that make them worthy of specific protection and conservation measures.
The catalog carried out by the City Council has analyzed a total of 34 monumental trees and 73 unique trees.
Thus, all those copies of the municipality of Lorca cataloged as Monumental by Law are included in the work. This important work has addressed the assignment that the law makes to the municipalities regarding the cataloging of trees located in urban and developable land.
It should be noted that the cataloging in forest land corresponds to the CARM.
The method used has been the search of the copies from the information of the City Council and the catalog of unique trees of the Region of Murcia.
Once they have been located, the opportune visits have been made by specialized technicians who have completed a technical file of each copy.
The result obtained has been a catalog of 107 cards with the data of geopositioning, description, visual inspection report, photographs, dendrometric data, found defects, risk assessment, action proposals and conclusions.
A complete relationship that allows to assess the status of the specimen and its risk to the population, and that will be of public consultation shortly, since it will be available on the municipal website.
We must point out, in terms of the location of these specimens, that most of the monumental trees in urban and / urbanizable land are in the Ramonete and Morata area, being the most representative species in that area the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) , whereas the greater number of singular trees is in the urban helmet, mainly in Las Alamedas, represented by the species of Olmo (Ulmus minor).
The analysis carried out has also established a list of the oldest trees, of which we can point out the Olive Tree of La Quintilla (perimeter of trunk: 532 cm and 3 meters high), as well as False Plantain of Avilés (trunk perimeter: 618 cm and 35 meters high), next to the Cypress of the San Clemente Cemetery (Perimeter of trunk: 232 cm and 17 meters high), and the Juniper of Alcoluche (perimeter of trunk 179 cm and 5 meters high).
The monumental trees collected in this study include 34 specimens of 14 different species, whose relationship is as follows:
The singular woodland contemplated in the document on the specimens in the designated lands covers 73 specimens of a dozen different species:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca