The Councilor for Citizen Participation of the City of Lorca, Javier Pelegrín, has announced the implementation of the Special Committee on Suggestions and Complaints, once published its Regulation in the BORM of June 8, 2018. It must be remembered that the Municipal Plenary February 2018 has already approved the aforementioned Regulation.
The mayor has indicated that "the Special Commission of Suggestions and Complaints is a participatory and defense of neighborhood rights, mainly its utility is to account for complaints submitted by citizens and deficiencies observed in the operation of municipal services , in order to improve them and achieve an efficient municipal administration that works with quality criteria, it is a permanent special committee of the Plenary, configured as a supervisory body of the municipal activity to report complaints, deficiencies and suggestions that are made ".
As for its composition, Pelegrín has indicated that "the Suggestions and Complaints Committee will be formed by nine councilors, representatives of all the groups that integrate the Plenary to form proportional.The President will be the Mayor, who may delegate to a councilor. Secretary of the same will be the Secretary General of the Plenary or the official in whom he delegates ".
Suggestions or complaints must always contain name, surname, address, ID or equivalent, date and signature;
It must also determine the purpose of the suggestion or claim, with a reasoned statement of the arguments that support it and the documentation that they deem appropriate.
Those interested can make their suggestions or claims by two means.
On the one hand, in person, carried out through the registration office of the City Council or the decentralization offices.
On the other hand, in a non-contact manner, they can be taken, first of all, by means of a letter addressed to the holder of the Citizen Participation area;
in second place they can be done by telematic means through the electronic headquarters of the Town Hall in the link directing the request to the Department of Citizen Participation.
As for the procedure, all suggestions or claims will be registered in the Department of Citizen Participation, preparing a record.
Within 5 days from the date of entry into the aforementioned registry, they will be examined by this area of ​​government agreeing to admit the suggestion or claim for complying with the established conditions or granting a term of ten days for the defects to be corrected or omissions or inadmit the same, must communicate to the claimant the reasons on which the inadmissibility is based.
Once admitted for processing, a copy will be sent to the corresponding municipal service for the reason of the matter, where it will be studied and a report will be issued that, through the person in charge of Citizen Participation, will be communicated to the claimant within a maximum period of thirty days.
As for the claims that affect the behavior of authorities or municipal personnel, they will be reserved and will be sent directly to the Commission and the aforementioned person, who may request a hearing before the Commission.
In these cases, the Commission may request a report from the hierarchical superior of the person against whom the claim is made.
The Citizen Participation Area will send to the Special Commission of Suggestions and Claims a quarterly list of the events, indicating the affected service, procedures performed and the solution adopted or proposed.
Regardless of the procedure established in the simplified procedure, the neighbor who has submitted a claim or suggestion and the resolution has not been satisfactory, or has not received a reply within thirty days from the date of registration thereof, may address a complaint to the Special Committee on Suggestions and Complaints.
The same will study the pertinent complaints and will adopt the pertinent measures, informing of its actions to the interested in the maximum term of three months from the date of registration of the same.
The Commission, ex officio, may request additional information and know of those that have not been satisfactorily resolved.
It may also require the presence of employees responsible for the Service object of the suggestion or claim.
Finally, its conclusions, in the form of a non-binding resolution, will contain a concrete proposal and measures to be adopted.
The Commission will prepare an annual report that will inform the Plenary of the number and type of suggestions, claims and complaints addressed to the Municipal Administration, as well as the deficiencies observed in the functioning of municipal services, with the presentation of suggestions or recommendations not admitted.
It can also evaluate the degree of compliance with the commitments assumed by the City Council, as well as make general recommendations for the improvement of public services and citizen attention.
Pelegrín has indicated that "the commissioning of the Special Commission, Suggestions and Complaints is a decisive step in the path that is taking Lorca to become a municipality of citizen participation, within the mechanisms put in place since 2007 to make Lorca a land that gave voice to its neighbors this is a giant step that comes to add to the creation of the City Council, the commissions for the study of different plans, the sectoral councils of Sports, Historic Center and Equality, as well as a long etcetera of measures implemented so that Lorca can participate effectively in the direct management of their city. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca