They also reiterate, as in previous years, the need for forest areas to be in the best conservation conditions for this summer, such as cleaning them, maintaining firebreaks, accentuating surveillance and developing a campaign of environmental education among the population.
The Municipal Socialist Group in the City of Lorca, through Councilman David Romera, will ask at the next ordinary plenary for the month of June, to carry out a Fire Prevention and Emergency Plan in the municipality of Lorca, which lacks despite its special characteristics: its vast dimension, it is the second largest municipal area in Spain with an area of ​​1,675 km2, and having a forest area of ​​more than 65,000 hectares, just over a third of the total .
The Plan should be integrated into the INFOMUR regional fire plan.
At present, says Romera, "Lorca lacks a specific prevention and emergency plan for forest fires, despite the fact that in recent years there have been significant fires in the forests of the municipality."
The most outstanding was the fire of the Sierra del Almirez (Zarcilla de Ramos) in August 2015, which lasted ten days and burned 230 hectares of mature Mediterranean forest (Aleppo pine) and scrub, causing great social alarm among the residents of the area and serious environmental damage.
Likewise, in the Sierra de Almenara several large-scale fires have occurred, such as the one that occurred in 2004, which destroyed more than 260 hectares of Mediterranean forest and calcined 2,500 specimens of black turtle, a protected species, in four biological reserves;
fires that, of smaller dimensions, were repeated in the summers of 2014 and 2016. Closer to the city, there have also been some fire incidents in the Serra del Caño, in the Murviedro area and on the northern slope of the Castillo de Lorca
The mayor explains that in the wildfires influences the meteorological situation, because in Lorca the summers are hot and very dry, being able to give the so-called dry storms, as well as the conservation and maintenance situation in which the forests are located, the social awareness , the depopulation of rural areas and how to act during a fire.
Last year there were 56 large fires in Spain that destroyed 178,000 hectares.
Therefore, "and being a matter of social and environmental responsibility," says Romera, "from the Socialist Group we are going to ask the Corporation in plenary to prepare a Prevention and Emergency Plan against Forest Fires in the Municipality of Lorca to be declared our municipal area as a High Risk Zone for forest fires (ZAR), "according to the report" Protect your forest, protect your home "that Greenpeace has prepared, which indicates that in 26 of the 45 municipalities of the Region of Murcia, said plan does not exist "despite being considered very necessary to safeguard in the most convenient way the protection of the local population, material goods and our natural heritage".
To the development of this plan in Lorca, the socialist mayor ends, adding that "the Plenary will also be asked for other complementary preventive actions to be launched this summer, such as the reinforcement of the cleaning and maintenance of the forests of the municipality, taking care of the firebreaks, that the vigilance works are extreme and a campaign of information and environmental awareness to the population on the risk of fire is carried out ".
Source: PSOE Lorca