The work in progress, which will not stop during the month of August, already exceeds 20% of the total.
The City Council and the executing company accelerate to the maximum to ensure that residents can return to their homes as soon as possible.
The Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, with the Councilman of Works, Angel Mecca, this morning has monitored the progress made in the execution of the urbanization works that are being executed by the City Council in the neighborhood of San Fernando thanks to funding of the Ministry of Development of CARM.
We are talking about one of the most outstanding projects that are being carried out within the process of reconstruction and recovery of the city, designed to promote the municipality after the destructive effects of the earthquakes that hit Lorca in May 2011.
The First Edil has indicated that more than 20% of the works have already been executed, which start with a joint investment of around 2 million euros.
We are talking, in particular, about the necessary channeling to provide the water supply to the 232 families that will live in the neighborhood once all the tasks that are developed in this urban area are completed.
The work in progress has already allowed to install 615 linear meters of pipelines corresponding to the network of sanitation, as well as 555 of rainwater collection system, in addition to completing the demolition of more than 18,000 m2 of sidewalk and agglomerate, and another 2,500 linear meters of curb.
Fulgencio Gil has confirmed that the common objective of residents and the City Council is to ensure that residents in this neighborhood can return to their homes as soon as possible.
In fact, the reconstruction process in our city will not be completed until the residents of the neighborhood of San Fernando have returned to their homes.
This is the absolute priority on the part of the Department of Works, and we will not stop even a minute to get it.
All Lorca, and especially the residents of San Fernando, are aware of all the work we have been doing on behalf of the City Council to enable the reconstruction of San Fernando, overcoming stages such as declarations of ruin of the buildings thanks to the thrust of the Consistory, as well as the unlocking of the projects, the obtaining of special housing plans ... We are talking about milestones that we have managed to overcome together, and now nothing and nobody is going to stop us until we get San Fernando back on its feet, configuring a modern neighborhood, functional, comfortable and equipped with all the service infrastructures that its neighbors deserve.
The Mayor has indicated that an agreement has been reached with the company that carries out the urbanization works so that the work rate does not go down during the month of August, period during which work will be continued, accelerating as much as possible to cut the execution period to the minimum possible.
From the City Council, and by direct order of this Mayor's Office, a permanent supervision of the work is maintained by a municipal technician, who develops meetings and almost daily visits to the work, in coordination with the executing company.
The objective is to prioritize the completion of the work of supply and supply networks so that residents can contract their services with the corresponding companies as soon as possible.
Fulgencio Gil explained that the work underway includes, according to the project, parking spaces on the surface, in addition, the new and large garages that will serve the neighbors.
San Fernando will have wide, modern and comfortable roads and streets, within a process that, as it improves most notably, will put an end to the collapse on the slope that presented the neighborhood, equaling the road level.
The First Edil has indicated that the work will continue, simultaneando the last outstanding auctions also in the corresponding to the conclusion of the houses.
The reconstruction of this neighborhood, both its homes and its urbanization works, is the greatest challenge that has had to be faced from the urban point of view as part of the recovery process of the city after the earthquakes in 2011. This integral action covers the redevelopment of the entire space.
To this end, the road network and its infrastructures, which have been damaged as a result of the demolitions, will be renewed.
The roads will be paved and sidewalks will be built.
A very important part of the investment is destined to the renewal and incorporation of water distribution networks, electric power, gas, sanitation networks, telephony networks and rainwater evacuation networks, all with the objective that the new neighborhood emerged after earthquakes have the best services and that they have full vocation for the future.
Efficient new street lighting will also be installed and the neighborhood will be provided with parks and gardens that allow for the recreation of neighbors.
The projects that are materializing in recent times in this area make it a new urban reference, radically changing the appearance and infrastructure that had just a few years ago.
We are talking about an area that encompasses the neighborhood of San Fernando and the area popularly known as Camino del Gato, which has ceased to be an area of ​​the outskirts of the city to house multiple citizen care and service facilities (Comisaría del Cuerpo Nacional de Police, Lorca-Sutullena Health Center, Mental Health Center, Municipal Nursery and the Cultural Resources Center), as well as different blocks of flats and houses of very recent construction.
It should also be noted that the Alameda de Cervantes Urban Renewal works (3.2 million euros), the complete reconstruction of the buildings that made up the San Fernando neighborhood (232 floors in execution), are being executed in this area. Section 4 of the Evacuation Round (7 million euros), as the main investments to make our New Lorca real.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca