Since the company was founded, losses in the network have been reduced by 45.23%.
The La Hoya treatment plant triggers the reuse of water that is made available to irrigators up to 87.73%, 17.73% more than last year and absolute historical record.
The Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, reported that Aguas de Lorca has launched the campaign 'The Value of Water' which aims to raise awareness among citizens about the need not to waste a resource so necessary for economic development and the future of the next generations.
The campaign can be seen in ads, posters, posters in official centers, videos on websites and social networks, and adds to the important work since 1998, the year in which Aguas de Lorca was created, all its workers have been doing to improve the service, avoid losses in the network, and give a second life to the water after passing through the sewage treatment plants.
In fact, the joint venture has managed to significantly improve its data.
In the last 20 years it has been possible to avoid losses in the network by a value of 45.23% and each year, 87.73% of the water leaving the treatment plant is put at the disposal of the irrigators, which means a 17 , 73% more than the previous year, which constitutes the greatest advance in water reuse that has been registered in these facilities.
The Mayor has indicated that a system of remote control and remote control of the counters of the sectors has been implemented, which allows knowing at any moment what is happening in the network and controlling it in a centralized manner, so that in real time you can know what is happening at any point in the network and act on the different incidents that may affect the safety and safety of water.
For this, there are 129 remote stations that emit approximately 6,500 control signals.
In order to achieve efficient management, control and reduce water losses, the drinking water network is divided into several hydraulics and hydraulic microsectors, some 130 in total.
These sectors are controlled daily by meters or flow meters that measure volumes and distributed flows.
The sectors are analyzed continuously, sometimes detecting values ​​that indicate the existence of anomalies in the distribution network.
In our municipal district, potable water is supplied to 92,718 inhabitants.
The home distribution network of drinking water is composed of pipes of different materials and diameters with a total length of 1,160 km and some 22,798 connections to buildings
Now, with the launch of this citizen campaign called 'The value of water', it is intended, in a very graphic way, that users realize the amount of water they use in everyday gestures such as washing dishes, washing teeth, in a shower or pulling the chain.
To do so, people resort to thinking about bottles, because it is not the same to leave the tap open for a few minutes, to know that 15 bottles of 1 liter of water have been used in that same time.
'Every time you open the tap, think of bottles.
Because of water depend agriculture, industry, employment, the price of light, and above all, our future and that of future generations.
Remember, running water is also the most extraordinary '
The campaign that is also developed at the regional level, consists of spots, graphics for print media, radio spots and mupis.
The graphic design has as icon a bottle with different messages that show us the water we spend every time we open a tap.
The presentation ceremony was attended by the percussionist musician Pau Elías who made a musical audition with the glass bottles that are the icon of the campaign and that have been distributed among the attendees.
For his part, Antonio Franco, manager of Aguas de Lorca explained that "we are all responsible for the future and the future passes every day through our hands.Do not forget that running water is, as the campaign says, the most extraordinary, that's why it is a duty as a company to educate children and inform citizens so that with their collaboration, not a single drop of water is lost. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca