While the PP has been closed for years this historic building, the PSOE insists that the enhancement of the Agrarian Chamber can not wait, since it is crucial for the social and economic recovery of the area.
The councilor of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, María Antonia García Jiménez has demanded the enhancement "already" of the historic building of the Agrarian Chamber, the only modernist style in Lorca and one of the most significant buildings of the Corredera street and of the municipality "for its history and uniqueness".
Garcia Jiménez urged the Mayor to put in value this building and to specify "at once" the public use that will be given to this historic property.
The Socialists are convinced that the reopening of this building must play a "fundamental" role for the economic and social recovery needed by the area of ​​Corredera Street and its surroundings.
However, regret that the months pass and, while the PP is full of the need to revitalize the business or recover the Historic District, the reality is that, for example, this building is closed and is unknown "when and what Use will be given. "
María Antonia García recalled that, since 2013, the PP has on the table the proposal of the PSOE to rehabilitate and value this property, and reconvert it as an ethnographic and hydraulic museum, according to the finalist spirit and services of agricultural interest of Law 5/2008.
The mayor regrets that the lack of ideas and the "political exhaustion" of this Mayor and if government team is preventing Lorca the opportunity to take advantage of and enjoy a building like the Agrarian Chamber, unique in the Region of Murcia.
Source: PSOE Lorca