The Lorca socialists propose the launch of an awareness campaign as a demonstration of their commitment to equality and education.
The objective of this initiative is to raise awareness and prevent sexual abuse and aggression, especially among the youngest
The councilor of the PSOE, María Antonia García Jiménez has proposed that the City of Lorca, through the Councilors of Citizen Security, Youth, Health, and Equality, and the hand of Lorca involved, develop and publicize a campaign to raise awareness of the values ​​on the dignity, the physical and moral integrity of the people, with which, in addition, to project an individual and social rejection before any type of aggression or sexual abuse.
From the PSOE believe that we must respond to the social alarm produced by crimes against sexual freedom, before the degrading behaviors that affect the sexual integrity and dignity of the person, mainly among women and the youngest.
For this, García Jiménez has proposed that it be carried out in secondary schools, conferences and / or informative talks about the respect and dignity of the human being, the types of crimes against sexual freedom that penalizes our Penal Code, and also serve as a help for those people who are victims or witnesses, on how it should be current, or what protocol should be followed on the police and health assistance.
The mayor claims that this information is detailed, in addition, through a side, or publicized through the media.
In addition, he asks that this type of information be promoted, mainly at parties or at times of great affluence, when a greater number of people is concentrated.
For García Jiménez, this information should also be publicized through the phones of the security forces in visible places, such as public establishments or businesses, where young people are especially concentrated.
In addition, as some of the types of sexual crimes, mainly involving minors, are carried out in the family environment, guidelines or behaviors should be informed to guide the victims, and contact the associations and institutions closest to where they can ask for support while legal advice.
In short, from the PSOE propose the launch of this awareness campaign as a sign of its commitment to equality and education.
They hope that the PP government team does not despise this proposal, due to the fact that it is a proposal from the Socialist Party, so they ask that it be sensitive to this reality.
The objective of this initiative is to raise awareness and prevent sexual abuse and aggression, especially among the youngest.
Source: PSOE Lorca