The Spokesman of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Diego José Mateos has demanded that Mayor Gil Jódar immediately order the cleaning of the esplanade of the Institute of La Paca and its surroundings, because 15 days after the conclusion of a concert is still full of garbage and "logical" waste after a show that brought together hundreds of people.
Mateos regrets that the carelessness and lack of interest of this Mayor and his council members reach the point of having to ask for something as basic as the cleaning of a plot after the celebration of a massive concert.
"In addition to not having support for the celebration of this type of cultural events, which brings together thousands of people every year and precisely born to fill the vacuum of cultural initiatives in the districts, adds that they are also unable to take on the necessary tasks cleaning, "explained Mateos.
Source: PSOE Lorca