In addition, calls for extreme care and maintenance of bike lanes in the municipality |
The councilor of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, María Ángeles Mazuecos has called for improving the signaling of roads in the municipality, with the installation of signs that remind the obligation to leave a margin of 1.50 meters between the vehicle and the bicycle when overtaking.
The councilor of the PSOE has transferred this claim, with the aim of "improving the safety of cyclists."
"Some signs that remember the obligatory distances between vehicle and bicycle during overtaking, one of the main demands of the group of cyclists, given the growing concern due to the increasing rate of accidents throughout the country.
The socialist mayor has emphasized the need to respect distance and moderate speed "taking into account their special vulnerability to other motor vehicles of greater weight and size."
Mazuecos has stressed that in the municipality of Lorca there is a great fondness for this sport and that it is common to see our network of roads throughout the length and breadth of our municipal area cyclists, especially on weekends, called by the uniqueness and attractiveness of our landscapes.
From the PSOE insist on making an appeal to the awareness of drivers about the fragility of the cyclist, for which it believes convenient "greater support" by the Administration, the first step being the review and placement of this type of signaling.
The PSOE calls for extreme measures of maintenance and adequacy of the bike lanes of the municipality
María Ángeles Mazuecos has also demanded that extreme measures of maintenance and adequacy of the bike lanes of the municipality.
The mayor recalls that collectives such as Lorca Biciudad have been demanding years of increased maintenance measures as well as improvements aimed at signaling, safety and above all, aimed at giving a "continuity" to the different lanes.
Source: PSOE Lorca