The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes in Lorca, Gloria Martin, has positively valued the initiative of the Popular Party to request in the Congress of Deputies, by means of a Proposition No of Law, the cancellation of the state part of the interest for delay corresponding to the refund files of those affected by the Lorca earthquake in 2011, although it has been described as "insufficient".
Martin has ensured that the collection of these interests is not "ethical" as it is related to the "unjustifiable" delay of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to process administrative procedures, as surprisingly recognizes the PP itself.
The Ministry of Development is taking up to a year to respond to the allegations raised by those affected to the files for the initiation of reinstatement.
Some files that are being opened up to seven years after the grants were granted.
"This has caused those affected, due to causes beyond their control and only attributable to an extemporaneous and chaotic administrative procedure, have been accumulating interest for years," said Martín.
For the mayor, this shows a fundraising effort on the part of the Administrations, "who have forgotten the supportive spirit of the aid to turn them into bank loans with surcharges and unattainable interests for the neighbors".
Martin also recalled that, after taking office as Delegate of the Government in the Region of Murcia, his political training asked Diego Conesa that the Government of Pedro Sánchez exempt the victims of payment of interest.
Conesa also committed to the State Attorney would issue a report on the prescription of the right of the state and autonomous administrations to demand the reimbursement of aid "that has not yet materialized."
The same happens with the report of the Legal Council of the Region of Murcia, which has not been issued either.
"If the neighbors have not had vacations to continue receiving dislikes, summer can not be an excuse to have paralyzed the application of solutions," he said.
For IU and for those affected, the important thing is to recognize that a large part of the 2,000 files have been prescribed.
Therefore, the mayor has shown concern that the PP insists that if they do not forgive the interests of those affected by the earthquake would have to add to the refunds of more than 13 million euros, an additional cost of 456,000 euros.
"What we want is that there are no interests to pay because there are no grants to return," he said.
Martin has also demanded "speed" to start the justification procedure approved by Law 8/2018, of July 23, Lorca aid.
It should be remembered that by means of the simplified account justification form, those affected will be able to overcome the obstacles they are encountering due to the loss of invoices and that their files can thus be closed.
Although the law entered into force on July 27, "we have not yet received the forms that must be completed by residents who wish to benefit from this route," he said.
On the other hand the councilor of IU-Greens, has lamented the health problems that keep away from the political activity to the Councilor for Recovery Management after the earthquakes, Saturnina Martinez, to which he has wished a speedy recovery.
Until his reinstatement, Martin has asked the Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, to transfer this competence to a member of his government team, "so that in IU we have a valid interlocutor with whom to try to solve effectively the problems that arise".
However, Martin thanked the mayor for his "good will" when the mayor has required their intermediation in recent weeks.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca