The president of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS), Mario Urrea, met this morning with representatives of the Community of Irrigators of Lorca, headed by its president Juan Marín, to know the demands and needs in terms of water they have in this area of ​​the demarcation.
Marín took the opportunity to congratulate the basin organization for the quick repair that was made of the breakage of the Eagles desalination plant a few weeks ago.
Among the topics discussed, the irrigators from Lorca and the president of the CHS have analyzed the possibilities for improvement in the planning of water resources available to them.
Also, there has been talk of the need to modernize irrigation infrastructure, for which has raised the possibility of developing a General Regulation Study to analyze how to store more water and manage it more efficiently.
Finally, during the meeting, different economic issues related to the payment for the use of infrastructures have been addressed.
Source: CHS