The former councilor of the PP, Eulalia Ibarra, will receive a salary of about 55,000 euros per year (more than 4,500 euros per month) as manager of a foundation that assumes the judicial defense of Murcia immersed in a process of incapacitation and in a situation of helplessness, which is linked to the Murciano Institute of Social Action (IMAS) and is maintained with public subsidies.
A position for which you do not have a legal degree or specialized training.
The spokesman of United Left-Green in the City council of Lorca, Pedro Sosa, has criticized hard the "relocation" of the one that was councilwoman of the PP, Eulalia Ibarra, like new manager of the Foundation for the tutelage and the judicial defense of adults, a body of the autonomous public sector.
Ibarra will receive a salary of about 55,000 euros per year (more than 4,500 euros per month) as manager of a foundation that assumes the judicial defense of Murcia immersed in a process of incapacitation and in a situation of helplessness, which is linked to the Murciano Institute of Action Social (IMAS) and maintained with public subsidies.
A position for which you do not have a legal degree or specialized training.
The circumstance occurs that her predecessor in the position, Diana Asurmendi, was also an autonomous deputy of the PP for 16 years.
Last year, the foundation tutored 56 people.
"With what your manager earns, it would be better for CARM to hire more lawyers and social workers to provide assistance to these people, mostly affected by mental illness," he said.
Sosa lamented that the PP, which makes an ironclad defense of liberalism, then use the institutions that are kept with taxpayers' money to create a "nest of plugged in" living "from the teat of the public" thanks to "cronyism "
"They are real caparras, parasites incapable of making a living on their own that live on the foolish soup with astronomical salaries that they would give to support several families", assured the mayor of IU-Verdes.
In this regard, has made reference to other popular Lorca who are not known other trade than living in the "mamandurria", as also former councilor Joaquín Ruiz Montalván, who has chained the positions of deputy director of Human Resources at Rafael Méndez Hospital (two years), Director of Management, Economic and Financial Area III Health (two years) and advisor Citizen Participation in the City of Lorca (three months), to become, also "a finger", in charge of the Entity of Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment of the Region of Murcia (Esamur), a position that it has exercised since April of this year and for which it charges 53,528.99 euros per year.
Regarding Eulalia Ibarra, Sosa has recriminated that she has been unable to maintain her position as a nursing assistant, "a profession more than worthy but of which it seems that this lady is ashamed."
In that sense, she recalled that, after her voluntary departure from the City Council, Eulalia Ibarra was already "placed" as chief of staff of the Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, a position that was ceased just ten months later along with the holder of said portfolio, Francisco Jódar.
"Much we have that his new work is characterized by the same ineptitude and lack of preparation that showed in the Ministry," said Sosa who added that "it is shameful that Ibarra go to embucharse 55,000 euros a year to stamp your sign in four papers and walk through Murcia from time to time. "
Therefore, Sosa has asked the opposition groups in the Regional Assembly "to end this rotten system generating chupoptera."
The spokesman of IU-Greens has wondered if it is that "Ibarra is worth more for nothing than for what he says" because, otherwise, "the efforts of the PP to keep it in top management positions despite its proven inexplicable incapacity for public management, "he concluded.
Sosa also recalled that all former IU councilors in Lorca "have returned to their jobs after leaving their institutional positions", something that has also made the former federal coordinators of this formation, such as Cayo Lara and Julio Anguita, who have even renounced the pension plan of the Congress of Deputies and the payment of maximum pension for life to which they were entitled as former parliamentarians.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca