Gloria Martín has requested more offer of Basic Vocational Training (in the public centers of the municipality only five degrees of the existing 34 are offered) and that the Occupational Classroom is reintroduced so as not to abandon to its fate young people who, at the age of 15, They have serious difficulties adapting to the school system and are victims of a disadvantaged family and social situation.
He has also asked that the faculty members be covered "immediately" and not from the tenth day as is currently the case
The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes in Lorca, Gloria Martín, has asked the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, the Adela Martínez-Cachá lorquina, to reinforce the offer of Basic Vocational Training (FPB) cycles in the municipality.
Martín explained that the FPB is a way to train young people who have not been able to finish the ESO and offer them a practical and regulated basic education, with an approved qualification, which will serve as a launching point towards other higher education, such as the Middle Grade.
In addition, it provides them with a degree in an increasingly demanding job market and prevents them from leaving school early.
In Lorca, only four public schools have an FPB offer in which only five of the 34 degrees are taught: Electricity and Electronics, Cooking and Restoration, Commercial Services, Arrangements and Repair of Textile and Leather Goods and Computer and Communications.
There is a sixth cycle, the Hairdressing and Aesthetics, which is taught in a private center.
Martín regretted that in Lorca there is no cycle belonging to the families of Physical and Sports Activities, Administration and Management, Agrarian, Graphic Arts, Building and Civil Works, Mechanical Manufacturing, Food Industries, Installation and Maintenance, Wood, Furniture and Cork , Maritime-Fishing, Socio-cultural and Community Services, Transport and Maintenance of Vehicles or Glass and Ceramics.
According to the mayor of IU-Verdes, this deficit FPB offer in the municipality not only prevents the development of its vocation to many young Lorca, but also makes it difficult for local companies to have a qualified human resources, which is an obstacle so that it increases its competitiveness.
"There is a high demand for students for whom ESO is not attractive and who need a more practical educational offer," said Martin, for whom betting on the FPB is also a way to "fight for school failure and drop-out rates to decrease. "
In this regard, he recalled that the rate of early abandonment of education and training is 23.1% in the Region of Murcia, only below that of Melilla (27.5%), Balearic Islands (26.5%) and Andalusia (23.5%).
That is "in the caboose" and very far from Navarra (11.3%), La Rioja (12.9%) or Madrid (13.9%).
No Occupational Classroom another year
On the other hand, the councilor of IU has also criticized that in the school year 2018-19, Lorca will continue without Occupational Classroom, another way to prevent absenteeism and school dropout, in this case in students of 15 years with serious difficulties of adaptation to the school system and that accumulate a significant curricular lag.
This classroom is implemented through collaboration agreements between the Ministry and those municipalities that request it, which makes it easier for teachers and Administrations to work together to find synergies that make possible the change of attitude of these children with respect to the studies.
However, from Lorca is not requested the implementation of the Occupational Classroom since 2016, which prevents the continuity of these students in the education system and the appropriate transition to adult life and work.
"The majority of children who participate in these Occupational Classes are out of school or at serious risk of dropping out because they are in a disadvantaged family and social situation," explained Martín.
Through them, it is about obtaining adequate levels of socialization and coexistence, promoting the maturity of the evolutionary stage of the student body and guaranteeing basic knowledge and skills that allow schoolchildren to learn a trade in the future.
"Unfortunately the alternative of schooling for these adolescents in Lorca is none," said Martin, so "from the administrations we are abandoning them to their fate," he lamented.
Teachers leave without covering for 10 days
Finally, the mayor of IU-Greens expressed his desire that the Government of the nation speed up the repeal of the controversial Royal Decree-law 14/2012, of April 20, urgent measures to rationalize public spending in the field public education
This rule requires, among other issues, that a teacher is not replaced until 10 school days have passed since he applied for a leave of absence that, for Martin, must be covered "immediately."
For the mayor of IU-Greens, this "decree of cuts" had as its sole objective the reduction of public spending, without taking into account the consequences of its measures in the operation of educational centers and in the working conditions of teachers.
"We encourage the Government of Pedro Sánchez, whom the deputies of IU also support, to end this shameful rule" of the previous Executive of Rajoy, Martin concluded.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca