The Councilor for Public Safety of the City of Lorca, Belén Pérez Martínez, has announced two interventions of great interest carried out by agents of the Local Police of Lorca last weekend, within the prevention operations carried out, and that resulted in the arrest of two people.
The Edil has detailed that "the first performance was developed in the deputation of Marchena on Friday August 31 when a patrol of the UPROL Unit observed a group of people who after realizing the police presence showed an elusive attitude and great state of The agents proceeded swiftly to the interception of these people, being able to verify that one of them fell an order of search, detention and entry into prison issued by the Court of Instruction No. 6 of Cordoba, proceeding to his immediate arrest to be placed at the disposition of the Judicial Authority In the same way, another person identified for violation of the Immigration Law was arrested.
Regarding the second action, the Councilwoman informed that it took place "on Saturday, September 1, when members of the UPROL Unit learned, thanks to the collaboration of citizens, that a person had broken one of the marquee windows of the the Miguel Navarro Molina gangway, leaving the site in a hurry, The agents, in collaboration with another patrol of the UPPSC unit of the Local Police, proceeded to the interception and identification of the alleged perpetrator, investigating the proceedings for the subsequent patrimonial claim of the damages caused. "
Pérez Martínez stressed that "through these important actions that have resulted in the timely detentions and identification, the importance of carrying out a constant prevention effort throughout the municipality is confirmed." The Local Police of Lorca is constantly on foot. street to be able to attend the needs of the local society, establishing for it surveillance devices throughout the municipal area and collaborating with the rest of Security Forces and Bodies that operate in Lorca ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca