The Councilor for Education of the City of Lorca, Francisco Montiel, has presented the 23rd edition of the Marathon "Lorca, fairy tale city" to be held on Friday September 28 from 6 pm at the Alameda de la Constitución.
Montiel pointed out that "one more year we have the privilege of attending this complete afternoon in which up to 29 stories will be told so that the children of Lorca can enjoy the magic of stories, it is one of the many activities launched by the Network of Municipal Libraries with the aim of encouraging reading in the municipality, especially among the youngest. "
Among the accountants, Montiel stressed that they will share their stories "the mayor of Lorca, representatives of political groups, students awarded in various municipal competitions, teachers, librarians or storytellers grandparents." We will also be accompanied by the storyteller Miriam Oller and collaborate with the initiative the sign language interpreter Lorena Rincón so that everyone can enjoy this special day ".
This is the complete list of storytellers who will participate:
18.00 hours .:
Miriam Oller, Storyteller.
6:30 p.m.
Fulgencio Gil, Mayor of Lorca.
Students of 1st of Primary, 1st Prize category of Infant, of the children's short story contest "Premio María Fernández-Luna".
San Francisco de Asís School.
Miriam Oller
Matías Martínez Sangüesa, 1st Prize C of the children's short story contest "Premio María Fernández-Luna", and her friend Marisol Ruiz Sánchez.
Francisco Félix Montiel, Councilor for Education and University.
Paula Sánchez, Regional Champion of Rhythmic Gymnastics.
Mari Paz Gómez and Asociación Apandis.
Grandparents Storytellers.
Concejalía del Mayor.
María and Ana Fernández-Rufete Navarro, Primary Education Teachers.
Susana de Torres, Librarian.
Diego José Mateos, Municipal Socialist Group.
19.30 hours
Miriam Oller
Marta García, Librarian.
Dori Peñas, Municipal Group Left United
Antonia María Moreno Millán and Saray Valero, Mamá e hija, Usuarias Biblioteca de Purias.
Grandparents Storytellers.
Concejalía del Mayor.
Carmen García
Citizens Lorca
Theater group CEIP Alfonso X El Sabio.
City of the Sun Scout Group.
Luisa Mª García, Librarian.
Daniel García, winner of a First Prize at the "Juan González" Contest.
Students of the CEIP Villaespesa.
Purificación Gázquez, neighbor of El Esparragal and user of the Purias library.
20.30 hours
Miriam Oller
Students of the Choir, IES Ros Giner.
Alejandra Méndez and Tomasa Lorente, teachers, and students of IES Ibáñez Martín.
Cazalla Intercultural Association.
Inma Guillén, Actress and Storyteller.
Miriam Oller
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca