The councilor of this training, Gloria Martin, has also asked the Delegate of the Government in the Region of Murcia, Diego Conesa, that the State condone the part of their interests, which is one of the main causes for which the embargoes are taking place. .
He has assured that the economic and family consequences for those affected are being terrible
The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes in Lorca, Gloria Martin, has called for the "urgent" convocation of the Mixed Commission, in order that this body study the files threatened with seizure and eligible for the simplified account form that establishes Law 8/2018, of July 23, of aid of Lorca.
Martín recalled that the Commission should have met again at the end of November.
"Maybe a delay of four weeks is nothing for its members, but for those affected is the difference between whether an embargo arrives or not," said Martin.
The mayor of IU-Greens recalled that Article 2 of this law states that it will apply "to all files justifying the aid received for the repair of homes that are in the process and have not prescribed."
However, the Administration is not allowing affected persons who received public assistance and indemnities from the Insurance Compensation Consortium whose amount exceeds the assessment of damages made by the experts of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.
Decree 68/2011, of May 16, which regulates the aid for the repair and reconstruction of homes affected by the earthquakes of Lorca states that the amount of aid in any case may be of such an amount that, " in isolation or in concurrence with other aids or indemnities, exceed the real cost of the works ".
"We understand that the limit of expense to be able to justify the amounts received must be related to the real value of the works and not to the limit established by the experts", whose appraisals were made a few days after the earthquakes and did not take into account the damages that were appearing later with the settlement of the lands.
In that sense, Martin recalled that this was the commitment acquired with the Development Counselor, Patricio Valverde.
Those affected by this situation are receiving orders of urgency by the Tax Agency of the Region of Murcia without even have resolved the remedies of reinstatement orders issued by the Ministry of Development, which is causing them " a terrible helplessness. "
"We believe that those who are in this situation are also willing to avail themselves of Law 8/2018, and we ask that, in the meantime, all enforcement procedures be stopped by notifying their suspension until the files are resolved," Martin has finished.
Without Magi in the houses of some affected
Gloria Martin, also asked the Government Delegate in the Region of Murcia, Diego Conesa, that the State condone at one time the part of their interests, which is one of the main causes for which the embargoes are taking place.
"The Government of Spain is jointly responsible for these aids and will be the one who benefits, whether or not it has demanded it, from the abusive delay interest that is being charged to those affected," Martín said, for which he demanded that he leave "inaction" "and" move tab. "
"Those affected are fed up with the fact that the Autonomous Community and the State are throwing their bags in the head, because the only reality is that some, due to incompetence and others due to laziness, have exchanged solidarity for credits at a higher price than banks would have put "said Martín.
And is that, for example, aid of 700 euros have become debts of more than 2,000 after the application of interest and surcharges.
"In the end the aid has served to the Administrations end up making cash," he said.
That if it is the fault of the State, that if it is of the Autonomous Community ... The only reality is that they are fucking the lives of those affected by the earthquakes.
What helps 700 euros have become debts of 2,000 after the application of interest and surcharges.
That the public administrations - one for laziness, the other for incompetence - have exchanged solidarity for credits at a higher price than the banks would have.
The mayor of IU has explained that the economic and family consequences for those affected by embargo are being "terrible."
In this regard, he referred to the case of Dolores, an 80-year-old earthquake victim, illiterate and with a child with a disability in his care, who gave up the aid even before she was admitted to the bank and to which the Treasury has threatened with the seizure of their pension, despite not reaching the minimum established by the Minimum Interprofessional Salary.
It is not the only case.
There are affected asking credits or money to their relatives to return aid and penalties.
Others have had to explain to their young children that this year the Magi will not be able to pass through the house.
"We are devastated and heartbroken by the drama these families are suffering and we just want this nightmare to end so that they recover normalcy in their lives," Martín concluded.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca