The city is asking the current central government to clarify what will happen with this measure, since 6 months have gone by without any response being obtained.
The Councilor for Economy and Finance in the City of Lorca, Juan Francisco Martínez, reported that last July from the full City Council officially requested the inclusion in the General State Budget (PGE) for 2019 the bonus of 50 % of Real Estate Tax (IBI) fees for all Lorca affected by earthquakes, given that the process of rebuilding the city after the devastating effects of the 2011 earthquakes has not yet been completed.
However, after 6 months we still have no response from the current central government.
The requests for information on this matter are being periodic and continuous, since we have to be clear about what is going to happen, if the commitment to those affected by the earthquakes is to be respected or, otherwise, they will eliminate this bonus of the IBI.
Martinez Carrasco has pointed out that Lorca needs to clear once and for all the uncertainty that is being generated to its citizens because of this lack of definition, also so that the City Council can prepare its forecasts with the rigor and seriousness that the economic policies under way require.
We can not be improvising with subjects as serious as this.
The reality is that the year ends and we still have no answer.
We have to point out that since Lorca we have also proposed to the current central government that, in the event that it is not finally able to obtain support for hypothetical general budgets, or directly decide to extend the current ones, it will be approved in one of the many Royal Decrees that are seeing the light for multiple issues, including the maintenance of the 50% bonus of the IBI to the people affected by the earthquakes.
It is the same solution that in 2016 the government chaired by Mariano Rajoy offered in this regard, and that allowed Lorca to save several million euros.
Delays in the compensation of the IBI to Lorca
Juan Francisco Martinez has indicated that Lorca are aware of the many issues that the current central government has on the table, but we appeal to the special sensitivity that must be had with people affected by earthquakes to devote a few minutes and can unlock this and other issues, among which we must include the fact that today Lorca has not received the 7 million euros that would have to be in the coffers of all Lorca for the bonus of the IBI corresponding to this year, included in the general budgets of 2018 and that every year was entered during the first days of November.
Given this circumstance, we have consulted the Ministry several times about what was happening, and finally we are told that due to "oversight" and despite being included in the PGE, it seems that they have had to resort to the Contingency Fund to be able to pay Lorca the amount of the aforementioned bonus, something that had never happened before.
The mayor of Economy trusts that the current central government fulfills its commitment to Lorca before the end of the year, and that these delays are not repeated in the future to avoid incidents in the municipal treasury.
The steps taken by the City Council have achieved that the victims of the earthquakes of 2011 have been saved up to the moment almost 72 million euros, enjoying 3 years of total exemption from the payment of the tax and another 5 (including the current one) in which you only have to pay half of it.
This 50% bonus of the property tax rates that are claimed to be complied with for the year 2019 would apply with the same requirements established for the exemption regulated in this Tax in article 12 of Royal Decree Law 6/2011, of 13 May, which adopted urgent measures to repair the damage caused by seismic movements occurred on May 11, 2011 in our city.
As planned, the bonus is applied to the resulting fee to apply.
Lorca believes that the Government of Spain has to respect this bonus because the City is still in the process of reconstruction, still subtracting the reconstruction or rehabilitation of several buildings destroyed or damaged by the earthquake.
The circumstance arises that there have been multiple requests for extension of the rental assistance and there are families in Lorca who have not yet managed to complete the reconstruction process and return to their homes.
We must bear in mind that at the present time there is still an intense performance in the urban remodeling of several neighborhoods affected by earthquakes, as well as in road infrastructures and communication essential for the municipality, with the interferences that this entails. the normal development of economic, commercial and social activity.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca