This activity is part of the school campaign of environmental awareness "+ PEQUEÑOS GESTOS" set up by this educational center in collaboration with the Municipal Consistory
The CEO of the municipal cleaning company Limusa, Juan Francisco Martínez, and the Councilor for Education of the City of Lorca, Francisco Montiel, along with José Bayonas, a teacher at the Villaespesa school, presented this morning a school campaign for environmental awareness march through this educational center in collaboration with the Municipal Consistory.
Juan Francisco Martinez has indicated that "from the City of Lorca we aim to promote recycling on a daily basis and, for this, we intend to place special emphasis on the involvement of the entire educational community (teachers, non-teaching staff and students) , which are offered from the municipal cleaning company advice, collaboration and materials to facilitate the separation of waste We are aware that children are the future of the planet and therefore they are the ones who must learn to take care of the environment. For this reason, our commitment to recycling and the natural environment begins by involving the entire school ecosystem in search of more sustainable centers, and its commitment to education as a strategic pillar to preserve our environment. "
The Councilor Delegate of Limusa has indicated that "the schoolchildren, or" ECOmpañeros ", will visit the Waste Management Center on Thursday in a day of learning in which they will know first hand the treatment that is given to waste (plastic, glass and cardboard) that we recycle on a daily basis and the profits that they can have once they have been treated After the training of the students, recycling will be considered as a solution available to all, for this they will create a comic series on the subject and a promotional video in which students from 3 years old to 6th grade will participate in. In this way, the whole educational community is conscientized to continue adding "small gestures" among all.
Martínez explained that "this visit to the recycling plant and the activities to be carried out around it are part of the campaign" + SMALL GESTURES ", launched by this educational center during this second quarter. Villaespesa is working during the school year 2018-2019 on the theme "Seas and Oceans." During the first trimester, the students were able to see the main seas and oceans, their current state and the species they inhabit and from them they are located In danger of extinction The second quarter began with plastic as the protagonist, since a large number of marine animals are affected by this material ".
The Edil de Limusa added that "in this way students try to raise their own schoolmates in relation to the consumption of plastic mainly, creating a poster and infographic that includes 5 steps to reduce the consumption of plastic in the environment This awareness campaign also presents a space to know how long the materials that we throw to the ground last, in many cases we are not aware of it and we act without knowing the consequences.The third quarter will serve this group of students to work in In this occasion, they will work to mobilize the whole center through different proposals in a day of waste collection for the preservation of our environment ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca