On the occasion of International Women's Day, Guiazul, the team of guides belonging to the Brotherhood of Labradores Paso Azul organized for next Friday, March 8, "Blue in women, Mass that embroiders history."
A battery of activities that will highlight the evolution of the role of women in the Brotherhood.
The activities will begin with a day of open doors and free guided visits to the different associations of women of the municipality.
In addition, the exhibition hall of the Blue Museum of Holy Week, Mass will host in the afternoon, at 7:30 p.m., a round table that will deal with the figure of women in Paso Azul.
Dña. Joaquina Gil, Waitress of the Virgen de los Dolores;
Ms. María del Sagrado Corazón García, president of the Paso Azul Foundation;
Ms. María Dolores Gutiérrez, vice president of the San Francisco Commission;
Mrs. Huertas María Díaz, first woman guionera;
Mrs. Tana Mínguez, member of the Association and Mrs. Águeda Trapero, embroiderer of the Brotherhood.
It will be at the end of the day when the prizes will be handed out to the winners of the I Contest of children's photography "Women who make history", whose names will be announced through social networks during the morning of Friday.
Source: Paso Azul Lorca