The balance sheet was presented this morning to the Board of Directors of the company, and indicate that in 2018 25 new staff positions were created within Limusa: 5 in road cleaning, 3 in the CGR, 15 in interior cleaning and 2 in the service of the ORA.
The delegate councilor of the municipal cleaning company, Limusa, Juan Francisco Martínez, has reported that the final balance that shows the annual account of the company corresponding to last year guarantees the financial autonomy and investment capacity of the company, without having to resort to the City Council or to banking entities.
Martínez Carrasco has indicated that this management model also ensures that the garbage rate remains frozen, as it has been since 2007. This will mean a saving in taxes and fees for citizens.
We have to state that since 2007 this tribute is frozen.
Juan Francisco Martínez explained that with regard to the collection and treatment of waste, the annual income garbage rates were € 4,653,726.81, with the actual cost of the Waste Collection and Treatment service € 4,618,241.50 , data that endorses that the rate paid by Lorca for the service of collection and treatment of their waste does not generate benefit for the company.
This is also confirmed by the main conclusion of the study carried out by the municipal technicians of the Economy and Finance area and those of the Limusa administration area.
Therefore, the benefit generated by the company is due to the optimal management of waste treatment, mainly in the Waste Management Center of Barranco Hondo.
The annual account, which was presented this morning to the Board of Directors, includes as significant savings a saving of salaries of 75,000 euros and another 55,000 in the VAT charged on waste management.
This year there have been 36 registrations and 11 retirements, which translates into the creation of 25 new places: 5 in road cleaning, 3 in CGR, 15 in interior cleaning and 2 in the department in charge of the ORA.
It should be noted that the number of people with disabilities working in Limusa has increased by 8 employees compared to the previous year.
The maintenance cost generated in the services stood at 697.795'85 €, while in the investment chapter there is a total of € 3,360,647'71 derived from the execution of new infrastructures such as the new glass, new building of administration, raft of pluvial, urbanization, efficient lighting and trees.
The construction of the new logistics center involved a € 239,439'02 item.
Limusa carried out in 2018 a battery of acquisitions aimed at improving its work that included the purchase of new containers for € 103,326.26, acquisition of 2 scrubbing machines for € 145,413.20, a new telescopic manipulator for the treatment plant which cost € 68,080.87, as well as the purchase of a new compactor for the Urban Solid Waste vessel for € 239,556.45.
The guaranteed investments thanks to the economic management of the company that indicates the annual account are the acquisition of 4 waste collection trucks that requires 1.5 million, along with another € 200,000 for the sealing of the tanning vessel in the Management Center of Waste, and € 200,000 for the new "cuartelillo" in the Calvario area.
There is also an increase in personnel and the purchase of new service machinery.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca