The mayoral candidate, Pedro Sosa, has committed to end the "discriminations" and "favoritism" of the PP and implement objective criteria in the distribution of subsidies for the celebration of popular festivities in neighborhoods and councils
01.05.19 The New Federation of Associations of Lorca and Region and Izquierda Unida-Verdes Lorca have reached a compromise on the criteria for allocating the budget items of the City Council for the parties of neighborhoods and councils.
IU-Greens will incorporate this agreement into the electoral program with which it will attend the municipal elections on May 26, which entails a series of actions aimed at improving transparency in these assignments, as well as an objective criterion of distribution.
Sosa recalled that the municipal government team of the PP maintains debts with some neighborhood associations since 2015, which is compromising their ability to act and prevents in some cases address the realization of popular festivals.
The candidate of IU-Greens to the Mayor's Office also regretted that in some neighborhoods where two groups coexist, as in La Viña, the PP grants aid for parties worth 7,000 euros that he considers his rope, while punishing the original association and more numerous, granting only 1,400.
And is that, according to Sosa, and as is the case in the rest of the municipality, the only valid criterion for the PP when collaborating with the popular celebrations is if the neighborhood associations "are related or not."
Sosa explained that these subsidies can not continue to be linked to the unilateral decision of the Mayor or of the councilman of Shifts according to their "sympathies" or directly from their electoral expectations.
For this reason, it has committed itself to the Federation of Neighborhood Associations to put an end to "discriminations" and "favoritism" by launching an "objective" and "transparent" distribution.
In addition, it has also assumed the proposal of the Federation to give an immediate solution to the invoices and payments pending from previous years, which has generated widespread discontent in the majority of neighborhood associations.
"The associations, which are the ones that maintain life and culture in our neighborhoods and towns, have the right to know in advance the budget allocated for the celebration of their celebrations and cultural activities," said Sosa, who has among the priorities of his government "empower social groups" and treat them with "equity" and "respect".
Source: IU-verdes Lorca