A dozen volunteers from the Association of Naturalists of the Southeast (ANSE) and Naturactúa have planted this morning 200 specimens of the grass Elymus farctus (sand grass) on the beaches of Calnegre and del Siscar, and ask the Autonomous Community to proceed to the signage of the restored area to avoid further destruction.
The organizations respond in this way to acts of vandalism that at the end of March and mid-April led to the destruction of vegetation on several beaches of the Cabo Cope and Calnegre Regional Park (Calnegre, Baños de Las Mujeres and El Siscar) by means of a tractor. , and also the bollards that marked the area and the information signs.
This plantation, with pastures produced in the ANSE native nursery in Cartagena, has been possible thanks to the fact that the exceptional spring rains maintain humidity levels in the soil that will favor the survival of the introduced plants, very well adapted to the environmental conditions of the coastal sands, with only some risk of subsequent survival.
ANSE and Naturactúa value positively the reaction of the General Directorate of Environment after the last clearing of the beach, replacing the vegetation and signaling the area again, but blaming the policies of the different regional governments of the last two decades for the rejection of the conservation of the coast of Calnegre-Cope by a part of the local population.
For both organizations, the reduction of the surface of the Regional Park of Cabo Cope and Calnegre for the urban development of Marina de Cope by the Regional Government with the support of the municipalities of Águilas and Lorca, the initial approval of large urban developments such as of Tips of Calnegre on the part of the City council of Lorca, and the progressive and fast increase of great surfaces of intensive irrigation and its legalization, as much in Navy of Cope as in the vicinity of Tips of Calnegre, have transmitted to many proprietors and opponents to the protection of the area that could do anything without risk to sanctions.
The destruction of infrastructure that limited vehicle access to the beaches of Marina de Cope last summer was equally unpunished, and the municipalities of Lorca and Águilas have helped to convey that message of impunity with their support for the reduction of protected space in favor of superintensive agriculture in 2018.
The organizations ANSE and Naturactúa urge the Government of the Autonomous Community, the Municipalities of Lorca and Águilas, and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, to work together for the conservation of one of the most unique coastal stretches of the Spanish Mediterranean coast, applying between others the following measures:
- That they support the maintenance and conservation of the plantations carried out today, and the natural recovery of the broken sands, located in all cases within the Maritime Terrestrial Public Domain, by means of its adequate signaling and surveillance.
The bollards and signs on access control and environmental information on the beaches of the Cope Marina must also be replaced.
- That the Autonomous Community accelerate the procedures for the definitive approval of the Plan of Natural Resources Management of the Regional Park of Cabo Cope and Calnegre, and of the Management Plan of the Site of Community Importance (LIC).
- That a coordinated work be carried out in the tasks of surveillance and control of access to beaches by the three levels of administration: environmental agents, civil guard and local police, especially during the summer, to avoid excessive crowding and possible accidents in them.
The organizations also ask all the political groups of Lorca to condemn these acts of vandalism, and promote in a plenary session of the City Council the support for measures of management and control of traffic to the beaches of the protected area.
ANSE and Naturactúa believe that the residents of the Park can have access to the beaches close to their homes, as in other places such as the Calblanque Regional Park, Monte de Las Cenizas and Peña del Águila, but this can not and should not prevent an adequate regulation that avoids agglomerations and damages in the natural values ​​of the beaches, and possible risks in terms of safety.
Source: ANSE