Antonio Meca, candidate for the mayor of Lorca for the political formation Ciudalor, has presented today the electoral program of his party, which include:
Continue fighting against corruption in institutions.
The reduction of taxes, fees and services as a consequence of a correct economic management.
The equality for the districts.
Demarcation and channeling of ravines.
Recovery of our historic center and traditional commerce.
Equal treatment in health care in health area III.
Zero rate and bonuses for entrepreneurs in commercial and industrial projects.
Control of irregular immigration.
Creation of an animal shelter.
Lorca River: leisure area for young people.
Open school playgrounds and 24-hour libraries.
According to Antonio Meca "the experience of these four years has allowed me to know the administration from the inside, which means that by knowing the demands of the neighbors, to be able to solve them"
"We have proposals and sensible solutions, necessary and possible, that will improve the entire municipality and Lorca" adds Mecca.
Source: Ciudalor