They will work in the conservation of protected natural spaces, the fight against desertification, climate change and uncontrolled dumping, or sustainable urban mobility, with the bike and public transport as protagonists, from a specific and autonomous Department of the Environment, organically separated from other areas of the political-administrative organization of the City Council
The defense of the Environment is a constant in the discourse and political practice of Izquierda Unida-Verdes, the political organization that, undoubtedly, has raised more initiatives in this area of ​​all the political parties represented in the City Council.
Therefore, its "green" program includes all the environmental tradition that precedes them and tries to respond to the most pressing environmental challenges in this area with the incorporation of points suggested by the main environmental defense organizations of Spain, of the Region of Murcia and Lorca, as Ecologists in Action, GREENPEACE, ADENA-WWF, SEO / BirdLife, Friends of the Earth, Naturactua or Espartaria.
The councilor of IU-Greens and number two of this candidacy, Gloria Martin, has ensured that sustainable development will be the guiding principle of municipal policy, starting next May 26, "to meet the needs of present generations, without compromise those of future ones. "
"All local policies that are designed and implemented by the City of Lorca will combine economic development with respect for the environment," said Martin, so the first measure of IU-Green will be the creation of a Department of Environment, " specific and autonomous ", organically separated from other areas of the political-administrative organization of the City of Lorca.
This body will be immediately responsible for the development of the action plan of the Local Agenda 21 of Lorca, a basic instrument for the achievement of sustainability and that has been totally shelved in recent years.
Although the measures advocated by IU-Greens are very numerous, Martín highlighted four blocks related to the conservation of natural spaces, the fight against desertification and climate change, against uncontrolled dumping and sustainable urban mobility.
Conservation of natural areas and biodiversity
Although at this moment the urbanization projects that affect the Cabo Cope-Calnegre Regional Park, are paralyzed, IU-Green will continue exercising all actions necessary for the defense of this coastal area and the extraordinary natural heritage that it treasures, and will repeal all the provisions and agreements attempt against it.
Therefore, it will urge the environmental authorities of the Region of Murcia to the immediate completion of the processing of the Natural Resources Management Plan (PORN) of the Cabo Cope Calnegre Regional Park, as well as the preparation and approval of its Action Plan Socioeconomic (PAS).
In addition, it will extend this protection to all natural areas protected by the Natura 2000 Network, and will pay special attention to the Murviedro and Pena Rubia (Sierra del Caño) area, to Cabezo de la Jara, to our wetlands (Pantanos de Puentes and Valdeinfierno, rivers Luchena and Vélez) and also to those places that combine natural wealth with historical-archaeological wealth as the forest masses of La Culebrina and Valdeinfierno.
IU-Green will promote actions for the protection of the biodiversity of the municipality with special attention to threatened species of flora and fauna.
In particular, the creation of an Interpretation Center for the Conservation of the Black Tortoise will be promoted, taking into account the responsibility of being the municipality with the largest population of this species in Europe.
It will also advocate for the declaration of Natural Reserve of those public forests that due to their environmental interest may be worthy of this figure of protection.
In addition, action plans for the recovery of indigenous breeds and varieties of plants and animals will be implemented and a botanical park will be set up in Zarcilla de Ramos, a proposal of IU-Greens that was approved by the municipal Plenary and has not been approved. given compliance, as many others in environmental matters.
The necessary work will also be carried out to improve the itineraries and natural hiking routes.
In this sense, one of the most ambitious and innovative proposals is the expansion of the Sierra Espuña regional park, establishing environmental communication paths with mountains bordering our municipal area (Sierras del Cambrón, Pedro Ponce or Tercia).
This will mean the protection of thousands of hectares of forest and an opportunity for sustainable development for towns such as Zarzadilla de Totana.
Fight against desertification and reforestation plan
IU-Greens will carry out a special program of protection of the forest mass of Lorca, intensifying silvicultural work and the training of personnel for the creation of permanent fire checkpoints.
"We are going to take the necessary steps for the creation of a National Forestry Research Center for the study of the pressing problem of desertification in the south-east of Spain," Martin announced, noting that according to the Ministry of the Environment, 99.09 % of the territory of the Region of Murcia is at risk of desertification.
In addition, it will request the creation of specific and fixed budget items for the repopulation, resorting to the necessary aid in the regional and state budgets, in such a way that we approach a global project instead of isolated actions.
That is, the implementation of the Lorca Reforestation Plan.
For this purpose, the budget of the Lorca City Council will dedicate an annual minimum of 0.3% to the fight against desertification.
After the closure of cogeneration and slurry treatment plants, the problem of bad odors as a result of the illegal discharges of this highly polluting substance has worsened.
Yes IU-Greens is part of the municipal government, the City Council will proceed as a private accusation in the SEPRONA (Special Service for the Protection of Nature of the Civil Guard) to illegal discharges while studying the possibility of opening the closed plants to treat properly the slurry and avoid the illegal spills that are currently taking place in the orchard Lorca, with the consequent public health problem that entails (especially to risk groups such as the elderly, children and people with cardio respiratory diseases), of the environmental and polluting repercussion and the olfactory nuisances that they suppose.
In addition, controls will be activated and administrative sanction procedures will be initiated for those responsible for the proliferation of illegal dumps of all kinds, disrespectful to their people and their fellow citizens.
The City Council will delimit zones of the municipal term to use them as waste dumps, penalizing the use as such of other zones or places of the municipal term.
It will also demand that the technological possibilities that at each moment exist for the purification of contaminated water that flows into the Guadalentín River be exhausted.
Likewise, and with the help of the regional environmental authority, specific programs will be carried out to decontaminate soils in the Guadalentín River bed, and to control discharges from industries, farms of different types and urban waste, which access to the rivers and ravines in the municipality of Lorca.
IU-Greens will also fight plastic waste.
"We believe that measures of a domestic nature (recycling, limitations on the use of plastic bags ...) are good but not sufficient, so we will urgently undertake measures to control and treat agricultural and industrial plastic, because, Otherwise, they will continue to pollute the Mediterranean, "explained Gloria Martín.
Urban environment
Based on a diagnosis of mobility needs in the municipality and sustainability indicators, Izquierda Unida-Verdes will provide a sustainable model of urban mobility and transport with the periphery that guarantees the proximity of services and citizen needs, and prioritizes the mobility on foot, by bicycle and public transport, on private transport.
IU-Verdes in Lorca bet on the means of transport that in many European countries and in some Spanish cities has proved to be the most common, cheap, healthy and ecological: the bike.
"Our program raises the adequacy of urban space to increase the prominence of the pedestrian and bicycle user, providing the city with new signage, greater pedestrianized area and a perfectly articulated bicycle transit, for which we defend the development of a Municipal General Mobility Plan and the creation of the Bicycle Office, "said Martín.
The approaches of IU-V are perfectly in tune with the objectives of the Lorca Biciudad association and in that sense, it has also incorporated its proposals into the government program for the period 2019-2023.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca