The representatives of Ceclor, Chamber of Commerce and Union of Merchants, have listened attentively to the proposals of the electoral program of Ciudalor, coinciding with their just demands to improve the business fabric, traditional commerce, historic center and employment opportunities for Lorca.
Antonio Meca has also transmitted the most important blocks of his program:
ï‚· Lower taxes, fees and services.
ï‚· Improve municipal economic administration.
ï‚· Control of irregular immigration and unfair competition.
ï‚· Zero rate for entrepreneurs and bonuses for merchants.
ï‚· Recovery of our leisure and hospitality sector.
ï‚· Remunicipalising the potable water service.
ï‚· Start-up of the districts and neighborhood councils to match the districts.
ï‚· Etc.
Ciudalor thanked the business institutions for their willingness to collaborate in all projects and initiatives that are good for Lorca and Lorca.
They have also told Citizen candidate Antonio Meca that "it is good news to run for municipal elections."
Ciudalo has committed to continue its fight against bad practices in the City Council and public companies for many years, "hands-free" since the independence of a local party free of external slogans and with a candidate "with his hands clean "and without backpacks.
Source: Ciudalor