The candidate of Podemos to the presidency of the Region of Murcia, and Secretary General of Podemos in the Region of Murcia, Óscar Urralburu, the candidate of Podemos to the Regional Assembly, María Giménez and the candidate of Podemos to the mayor of the City of Lorca , Francisco Campos, have proposed in Lorca the necessary measures for the defense of a public Health in the Region that Murcia is equitable, and does not discriminate against citizenship depending on the area where it resides.
Óscar Urralburu has stated that it is precisely in Lorca (belonging to the health area III and largest municipality in the region and the second largest in the country) where "you can see on the street, as the PP government of the Region , through the Ministry of Health, discriminates the different health areas of the community by generating second and first class citizens according to the place of residence ".
Thus, in Lorca, "we see how the inequality between some population and urban nuclei is latent, remote primary care centers, and in peripheral areas the neighbors have less health resources suffer the unjustified closures of a basic service such as sanitary in eras vacations "in addition" the waiting lists of the reference hospital of the Guadalentín region is the one that has the highest percentage of waiting list delays in the entire Region. "
For this reason, Urralburu has advanced that "Podemos will carry out a policy of equity in the fundamental right to health, and equitably provide the different areas of health of the Region of Murcia, ending the opacity in health management and underfunding by zones. "
So we can not tolerate that the government of the PP in this way despise the population and underfund certain areas at will, acting with the backs of the recommendations of professionals and the needs of citizens hiding in saving, when the attention health can not be quantified in economic terms since it is a right "
For its part, the candidate for the Regional Assembly, María Giménez, has referred to the deficiencies that exist in the field of Health in the Guadalentín region where a large part of the population lives in rural districts, it is necessary to carry out a plan a Plan of Rural Sanitary Assistance "that guarantees to the population the accessibility in equality, as much to the sanitary assistance as to the programs of promotion of the health and prevention of the disease".
This Plan has to implement necessary measures to cover the places of difficult coverage both in Primary Care and in the regional hospitals, as well as to improve the resources in health transport and healthcare services such as emergency services that must remain during the 24 active hours ".
He also stressed the need to improve resources in the area of ​​emergency health transport throughout the Region, with special attention to rural areas.
Improve the assistance services as well as the 24-hour emergency services throughout the Region, taking into account both the Special Isolation Points and the Continuous Care Points with extended schedules.
Finally the candidate of Podemos to the mayor of Lorca, Francisco Campos, has denounced the "passive attitude of the PP in Lorca and the mayor, who have done nothing in recent years to fight for their neighbors, and that Lorca cease to be third-class citizens at the time of accessing our fundamental right to health ".
Lorca, needs the "expansion of public health services to solve the enormous shortcomings in the opening of health centers in ordinary afternoon hours to reduce waiting lists and congestion of emergency services, in the same way it is necessary to an urgent improvement of the facilities of the ICU of the Rafael Méndez Hospital and a construction of a new health center in the neighborhood of San Cristóbal de Lorca to meet the demands of the increase in population. "
Source: Podemos Lorca