The candidate for Mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos has celebrated the "purchase" of the company Coopbox, after the bankruptcy contest that so much uncertainty and concern had generated among the workers and their families, as well as the Lorca population as a whole, due to the importance of this company, leader in its sector.
Mateos has reiterated his support and has shown his willingness to continue working "side by side" with the workers of the company, as up to date.
"We will continue to carry out negotiations through the Government of Spain, through the Ministry of Industry as up to now, to achieve as many resources as necessary for the maintenance of capacity and productive activity, generating both direct employment positions and indirect. "
The objective, and that is our commitment, to "deepen" in the "more than worrisome" deindustrialization and relocation of companies, not only in Lorca and the Guadalentín region but in the Region as a whole.
"The challenge is to work together to avoid the destruction of the industrial sector, an issue that should include all public administrations and all political groups, to give an image of strength, unity and support and not only to these workers, but of any mercantile that is in the same conditions ".
Source: PSOE Lorca