Diego José Mateos: "The goal is for Lorca to be the benchmark sporting city at regional and regional level, both for the organization of sporting events of all kinds and for the promotion of physical activity and sports for all ages. city ​​of sport for all, that understands sport as an engine of employment and wealth "
The candidate for Mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, along with the candidate for Councilman, José Ángel Ponce have shelled his SOL project in sports, which stands out for "the bet for Lorca to shine again, also from sports, understood as a right to which all the population must have access, and also as an economic engine ".
Mateos has shown his intention to recover the IMJUDE "as a decision-making body, coordinator of all sporting activities at both the federated and amateur levels".
In addition, it has shown its commitment to undertake an ambitious plan to recover municipal infrastructures throughout the municipality, in neighborhoods and districts, also recovering the project for the comprehensive recovery of the Torrecilla Sports City, so necessary, and that the Popular Party has let lose.
"Lorca can not give up, or live with his back to the full potential of our sports clubs, our sports associations, and of course, our professionals in the field of sports, increasingly prepared."
In this sense, he has been in favor of "fighting" so that Lorca has among its training offer the TAFAD, oriented to the training of Technician in Animation and Sports Physical Activities.
The candidate for mayor has insisted on the need to guarantee and improve the support given to sports clubs and associations, in need of more attention, in need of a government team and a mayor who listens to them, who feel their needs are theirs, and that not only manage the management of grants and subsidies with transparency, but also that it facilitates the management of their concession, bringing the administration closer and simplifying the high administrative burden.
In addition, he insisted, "the granting of these grants must be made in a timely manner, taking into account that clubs need a good organization for the planning of their sports seasons, which do not have to coincide with the calendar years."
According to José Ángel Ponce, the PSOE vote on May 26 will serve to end 12 years in which the Popular Party has punished the sport of Lorca, at all levels.
"In these 12 years, the PP has not understood sport and physical activity as a right that every citizen should have access to, as that stimulus for the physical and mental well-being of people, and as that economic engine, which should be the generation of employment and wealth, taking advantage of the potential that Lorca has also in the sports field ".
Ponce has insisted that "for sports to be a citizen's right, we must guarantee good sports infrastructure, so that every Lorca, regardless of where he resides, has access to decent facilities designed for sports."
In this sense, he has denounced the "third world state" that most sports facilities present, especially in districts, "where abandonment and neglect on the part of the Popular Party has been constant".
"La Paca, Ramonete, Morata, Coy, Campillo ... are just some examples of the poor condition of their sports facilities, or the need to remodel or create new ones."
"We want to make Lorca a city of sport for everyone, and that can only be guaranteed by the PSOE, the only party capable, prepared to govern, and which is the alternative to a Popular Party that has no project and, above all, that It is not credible when he promises that he will do everything he has been unable to do in 12 years of government. "
Source: PSOE Lorca