Pedro Sosa, a spokesman for Izquierda Unida Verdes in the city of Lorca and mayoral candidate for the training for the upcoming municipal elections on Sunday 26, has regretted this morning that the PP government team has spent four years sitting in the armchairs and only now in the electoral campaign have decided to go out to the street to solve the problems of the people.
Sosa has used as an example of this, the case of the family that had to be evicted from their home in the street Portijico thirteen years ago because of problems in the foundations of the same after the works of a construction company in the place.
Thirteen years of delays and unfulfilled promises to this family, which has had to wait for the election campaign to arrive so that the Mayor, Fulgencio Gil, visits them to take the photo and solve the problem.
For Sosa this gesture is not enough and with the mere declarations of intentions with respect to other problems of Lorca, such as the rehabilitation of the historical center, but they are necessary facts and these will not be achieved while the PP remains in power.
As it is a fact the situation of abandonment that the area of ​​Calvario Viejo suffers, with lots infested with garbage and that the left formation has been denouncing for years without the government team giving it to go there to see and solve the existing problem in the zone.
Therefore, Sosa is committed to have the option to govern or condition the government team to leave the polls, possibility that has been hopeful for the good work that your municipal group has done in favor of Lorca during these years, to be on the street as they have done so far to move from intentions to events.
As they have been until now, the intentions of rehabilitating the Historic Center with promises such as the Artisan Quarter or the Palace of Justice.
To solve this situation, from IU have been marked as a priority to "resuscitate" the municipal company of Suvilor to acquire real estate in the center of the city's hull and create housing for young people, since "if it has been done to acquire the bullring, which was not urgent, we must do to avoid that our historic center falls to pieces.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca