Antonio Meca, candidate for mayor of Lorca for the political formation Ciudalor, wants to bring the weekly market, the day fair, the fair concerts and the square of supplies in the historic center.
"The recovery of traditional commerce also involves facilitating the installation of large franchises such as Primark, H & M, in buildings such as the former commissioner or agrarian chamber, and facilitating the installation of others such as a Foster's, Mc Donalds or Starbucks" explains Antonio Meca
The candidate for Citizens believes that these franchises are "an attraction for our potential customers to consider Lorca as the sub-regional capital as it was in the past."
From Ciudalor is considered that the commercial movement has to be in the heart of our city and correct the error that involved taking away all the activity with the consequences it has had and why today Lorca is a dead city.
"You have to build a parking building in the vicinity of the old town, do not charge the first two hours of the blue zone and public parking as is the case of San Vicente" adds Meca.
Ciudalor considers that the activity of leisure, hospitality and music is compatible with the rest of the neighbors, it is done everywhere and you do not want to be the exception that you currently have.
Source: Ciudalor